
Discord ID: 212242667667587072

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huh what bet?

his name will be anal or butt stuff?

Rice ball*


Dude you didn't challenge me

I was correcting you for no reason and here you go actually being logical

but I prefer balls over bowls thas why I said that

It just feels good to eat em to me

I can give some

Sex tape?

Oh I thought someone wanted to make one

not that they had one

Cho don't be like that we can make one rn

I can be anywhere anytime

Whoa back to back what's going on

Hold on


I do say

We do't talk bout that

He is a legendary sauce keeper

The ones that guide lost watchers to hentai they don't know of or understand

Oh yeah 3D waifu sex bots are gonna be nice

Wait what really?

of course

Sex bots might cost a lot man

Not if the sex bots kill the mafia and pimps

The bot has tits

a pocket pussy don't

I mean you can just say u like petites

Ay 2 years in between is good enough u feel like smashing agent?

ok what's ur friend code

U ever seen scary anime

What was it like with beyonce talking for a lion

I get why the n word is banned cause unfunny people might abuse it

We must find other ways to be funny

Like my life

it's working

It's not even night yet

McDonalds is literally trash

Only eat it as a last resort

merica is the greatest place in the world

Is there a way to make my text shake?

We lost these guys !โ˜จVincent#0343

War of 1812, the Red Cloud's War, the Paiwan War, and the Second Samoan War.

we lost those

Yeah sole look at the chats

Have fun but don't share with everyone

and no rp

For the love of god don't rp

From what?

She will become u if she loves u

Nah mine is actually Demlnslayer rn


Boruto is doo doo

It takes so long before it gets good

Jojo is beyond anine

No one makes those anymore but filthy normies

And people who never even watched jojo

what u gonna do

Cyber rape is a real issue guys stop joking around ๐Ÿ˜ 

Why can't our links load

Dear god ur name

It's on a whole other level hentai

Carrots are hard pointy oranges

Did u eat the carrot after?

Same Marvin

I have the exact same issue please help us guys

yeah I was gone so it died down

Who has a bad dream?

I joined for memes and stayed for the same reason

same Ries

I could never be banned from here

Wait what?

dang he told u

Josuke idk anymore I just stay for the memes now

I hate how I read caps cause I just hear yelling

Press shift instead nerds

I join the VCs just to hear what weird shit they might be talking about

Like when chills was here

We need a portal 3

I feel like valve doesn't know how to count to 3 tho so it's never gonna happen

I can flex my pc but I don't actually know much about it

All I know is that I can make MC real life on it

I'm so confused

Can u guys tell me about my razer pc I wanna be able to flex effectively

I can make Minecraft real what can yours do


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