
Discord ID: 364924923623505930

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Oh lord

Just make a cocktail with all of those

Then you'll pass out cold

For like a week or decade

This is getting


I'm in a relationship, it's been going for 16 years strong

It's my right hand


Oh lord you sound like a millennial

Send toe pics


It has evolved

Im not a virgin

Im a wizard

I have ascended beyond virgin status, from all those years of not talking to a girl have accumulated into spells and shit

Sex isn't cool kids

Toe pics are awesome



A weeb is where you wished you were born japanese and shit


I am Kali



I just named myself after calamari

Hence kalimari

And kali

Can't you tell?

Tsh coochie, gamer girl pee is where is at


I knew I shouldn't have dabbled in black magic




Owoggas in uwuaris

Oh lord that font

Whoa cool kid


Dirt is quite nutritious

What haven't you have a dirt cake before?

Also nice dirt fetish

Trying to roleplay plants versus zombies with your dick? It's no peashooter but you do you man

I can sense wholesomeness in this chat

Sorry used them for fuel for my campfire I had weeks back

Made some smores too

Imagine knowing how to cook

Yea Im down to try it

Chicken? Nice I just had pringles to eat this whole day

Thank you for saying that

That's tempting if it is minecraft

Whatever the broken disk is called

That shit be fire

Hey peter

Yes a meg is mandatory

Instead of a hug you get a scolding

Wait you've had experience?

Calamari, just put my first initial instead of C, changed the A into an I, pretty genius

Well you cant since you're meg

Wait that was yesterday

And dropped an airstrike? Yep

What sauce do you perfer?

Hot sauce it is then

That happened

Who hasnt

I've ate raw chicken with mayo and corn

So nothing new

The lettuce I mean


I deleted my own message


I gag when I eat cold sushi

Store brought

Damn, well I always wanted to try the one with salmon on the top and rice as the base


Rip, I perfer my chocolate open, in my pocket, and melted on a hot summer day

Tis was a mess


As in "boy pussy" or pussy

When you think about it, we're all 0.0001 gay

We breathe in air of the same gender


You have bottled air?

That doesn't sound as cool as *bottled air*

Everything is a dildo if you're brave enough

I mean that'll involve a lot of stretching and blood but sure you can use a car as a dildo

Whoa ask consent first

Not really, they're just pleasuring themselves, just ordinary human behavior

Such vital info to know



Ghost messages ooo

Freeze, everybody clap your hands


Now that's what I call edgy 27



There's no choice in rape

That's why its called rape


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