
Discord ID: 226779346352734218

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2020-03-31 01:40:22 UTC [The Donald #general]  

if you have a good reason to

2020-03-31 01:41:05 UTC [The Donald #general]  

yes Illegals and criminals should be thrown out

2020-03-31 01:41:55 UTC [The Donald #general]  

imma sleep its 3AM in Euroland

2020-03-31 19:56:08 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-03-31 19:57:03 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-03-31 19:57:14 UTC [The Donald #memes]

2020-03-31 19:58:26 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-03-31 20:02:09 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Nah imma send the mods to gulag

2020-03-31 20:03:38 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-04-01 15:14:42 UTC [The Donald #memes]

2020-04-01 15:25:22 UTC [The Donald #memes]

2020-04-02 12:18:48 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Hey cunts when am I going to be veted

2020-04-02 15:57:09 UTC [The Donald #memes]  

I love Oswald Mosley

2020-04-02 15:58:17 UTC [The Donald #memes]

Hello lads

I don't live in the USA but I hope the Freikorps become a thing again

did it happen before?

yeah, third positionists are just White nationalist commies

at least in my view

I personally am a Paleoconservative

its good to disagree.

I once had a talk with a Ancom

he just called me a fascist

not even lying

you cant reason with those people

yeah, it should not.

Personally I'm first and foremost a Conservative, then a Libertarian

I don't like Neocons

they just start forever wars

I do really like Trump for a lot of reasons

Yeah, I'd say so too. I'm starting to think I have a soft spot for right wing populism

I don't really like Chavez. I do actually like the right wing populist party here. The AfD

id say the soft spot is more for them and Trump

I can only say the same on that point

I can basically summarize the AfD as a Right wing, Pro Capitalist, Pro Gun, Conservative, pro border party

from what I've seen and read

where from?

Oh, I live in germany. I'm part Serbian and Russian, I speak both languages to a good degree

The only thing separating the south slavs is religion

Everyone loves Rakija

I got a bottle in my fridge rn

That war was just plane stupid. Brothers killing brothers

on literally every side

then the neo cons of nato came in and fucked it up even more

There was genocide on litaraly every side. Everyone is at fault for that

TL;DR: Everyone genocided everyone

I just want to study Aeronautical engineering and get a good job

I personally may move to the US

because I like the country

Oh Joe wont win

don't trust the pols

If the entire place colapses I'll probably go there and become a fucking warlord or something

Dems will literally make the dead vote

"Civil unrest" is a bit mild. I'd call it a commie chimpout

i mean you get payed more too

I don't but I will when 18

For now I only have a knife

My grandpa in serbia had a AK

I honestly like the Ak12, but no way to get my hands on it

I want to get my hunters licence and get a Mosin nagant

its cheep

if they did they'd all carry over there domestic conflicts

Ukraine is a nice place

I honestly see no reason for hate between Russia and Ukraine. Putin just shouldn't have done the whole Crimea thing

thats why I don't really like him

accept the memes

I only like the memes about him

there are a lot of Russians here tho

they are mostly like half Kazah

or from that region

Im gonna go do something a commie cant. Get some food

Oh I tried a diet called communism. It worked wonders

actually now for real. I did a low carb diet, lost like 35kg 70lbs in a year.

I think NATO is kinda obsolete

Also not a fan of the EU

ik all that

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