
Discord ID: 337216365666631682

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zanoillord how do sire

alpacas are sexy as fuck in minecraft

i created a sex dungeon for alpacas


i raped a testificate


is she sexy

does she have big babylons

hairy boobies... very nice

On the 14th of September, 2019, Jack Salway raped an elderly neighbour in her front yard while she was gardening. When the cops and social workers were sent to look at the house, they heard her screams and called in emergency crews. Salway was arrested within minutes and charged with rape and assault on an elderly person. He was in court on the 13th of October when his lawyer explained that all their evidence against him was "not true".

The court heard all the evidence, that he had only had sex with three women since he became involved in the case and that he had only done it with two of them while on the side, having taken one woman home and the other one a night of sex at his home. The judge sentenced him to three years in prison, despite the fact that both his crimes took place only five months before.

hey. whatโ€™s up?

do you think donald trump is a racist

he hates brown people

( i am brown )

yeah he does. bro

he hates women

and loves men

( gay)


i stink of shite

dunno how to properly clean my brown skin

yes i am from baluchistan

(pakistan area)

itโ€™s swarming with browner

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