
Discord ID: 412655533154369547

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Gtfoh phag

Fken lying ass btch lmao

What a sad fk


Marines are the dumbest of all milotary

Theyre basically used to clear mines

Army goes in when theyre all dead

This the funniest typo ever or what

What is a kike

How to not look like a jew? Help pls

Sup smelly nerds

Anyone here ever had Lee's coffee

Its like orgasm but in your mouth

Yall need to find the nearest Lees sandwiches in your area

Its a fckin animal. Idc for it

I wonder what a roasted gorilla taste like though

Great meat

Smelly fucking nerds stfu

Take a shower dick breath

You smell like a dirty microwave dipshit


You musty fat fucking nerd

Nobodys gonna wanna fuck you, you fat shameless lard smelling grease ball

Fat mayonnaise body piece of shit

When was the last time you saw your dick you fat fuck?

You prolly just see your fat ass belly when you look down

No dick

Fat oily fuck

You insult like a fucking 6yr old

Mayonnaise body having fat dork

I dont speak in retard sorry

"Yeet" lmao.. fucking cringey dork shit

Reminds me of my cousins friend i took to vegas

He was so dorky he literally said LOL instead of laughing

I was like did you literally just say LoL?

I figured its the symptoms of being online too much

He was so awkward too when u introduce him to peepz

Fken dorks reminds me of you guys

I thought we're trolling

What happened

Take a shower u smelly fat oily fucking nerd

Theres a meme about this girl tryna push this dudes fat belly to find his dick

Thats what fat nerds turn into


Girls gonna have to push your belly to the aide to suck ur dick

Fat fckin nerds lol

Will these fat oily fucks ever stfu

I ate my own dog as a kid

Its good meat idk whats the big deal

Were on top of the food chain bruh

We did that on lizards though not dogs

Man youre so naive

Your brain can only comprehend whats around you

You havent seen 99.99% of the other sht

You live in a bubble haha

To make you not act like how you do right now

Like a sissy

I am tough. Not the toughest though

Why? Im an idiot coz ive seen around the world ok

Im not. Youre just insecure

Im just saying youre a sissy

Hows it "acting" if im not acting lol

I was just telling u a piece of life

So you just say wow and question everything i say

Then call me an idiot


Yeah coz like i said. Your tiny naive brain cant comprehend

It is a fact that your frontal lobe isnt fully developed so you wouldnt understand

Frontal lobe gets fully developed around 25yrs of age

Yeah. What do you do


He summarized me based on an online conversation

What a great character


This is why idiots like you should be going out talking to realnpeople instead of chatting all the time

You're naive af

No real life exp

Its like arguing with a rock

I didnt say that imbecile

I said stop being a sissy

You react like a mom when u saw that dog video

On times of panic and chaos, freaking tf out doesnt help

Yep. And what a great achievement you are

Look at you so successful and full of wisdom ๐Ÿ˜‚

Why not? Its online. We can act in different perspectives

I bet you 400$ you dont live by the sht you advise to other people here online


Go continue living in your bubble

Have you ever lived where you have to hunt for food

Do you put yourself growing up in their sotuation?


You dont get their perspective

You're an arrogant dipshit who lives in a bubble

Not at all lmao

They dont have computer games

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