
Discord ID: 220382390902587393

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I work in IT, a lot of my money goes to paying bills

I was considering doing a trade but I was told it would be a waste on me, I should have learned a trade

I pay out of pocket for school too

Iโ€™m saving money to move out of my shit hole city

Seems like it, I was going to marry a grill, but damn bitch fucked a teacher

After that I became very caution around women

That's some doom shit

I haven't read the original story

I've been reading bullshit for class

I read this in a document for my Art Of Crusading class, the caliph buried a cross into the gate of Damascus so it can be step on forever

I propose we bury the tryants at the front gate of their government buildings

So they can be stepped on forever


I'm Mexican and a bit of Chinese

On jah, any Illinois men here?

Can't relate, I am underage

No one will sell it to me

Oh hell yeah

I tried buying it once and a cop showed up. I skaddled because I am not armed

That's pretty cool

I want to try it once

Mexicans have parties with lots of beer

But those bastards donโ€™t let me get a sip

I have a friend like that too

Dude has the most beaner name but is pale and based af

Whoa Iโ€™ll buy some off you

Okay, just once

Cause I have been making plans to go to Virginia for a while

Dead ass coffee does the trick

Shieet, ight. I gotta get my car fixed

The boog front

Be a boogie amoung boogies

Oh shit lmao

<:VibeKek:640340112428892200> literally

I mean I live in IL, I gotta fix it here before I go

Unless I take a plane

Which would mean I can't take ammo from VA

That's impressive

That's epic

All I know is how to fix PC's and setup networks. I should have learned from my uncle

That's pretty fucking based dude

All that shit is discouraged when i went to high school


Chad response^

Yeah I've been wanting to learn too, but I am studying at college

Whoa that's cool, and that is true

I agree with that

I work at a school, and that's what my coworker and I would talk about

Bruh that's cool

I learned all my IT shit throughout self taught

That's a wild story

Freemen don't ask permission

Whoa fucking Chad

I found fudd bullets (22lr) while doing remodeling for a scholarship service. some liberal douche tried to snitch on me for keeping them, told that dude that who's going to stop me you don't have the balls to stop me

This was in a shady neighborhood next to mine

Epic, now I have a reason

I'll find the pic I took

I found these in the Mexican hood




Some dude was trying to get me in trouble just for holding them

It's better than nothing considering my city and state regulates the shit out of them

Okay I will keep that in mind

But I kept them cause that dude was pissing me off

I kept them and walked away

A fella just tryna exercise his right

Cause I've been trying to get someone to be a middle man and sell me some .223

I have my AR low receiver and kit ready

I got no ammo, I might as well be a melee fella

Ight good night

Also I haven't drilled my lower

Fucking hoodlums stole my dad's drill press a month ago

And other shit from the garage

I don't have ammo

That's why I got the AR15

I bought the kit and everything

I'd probably go to jail if I shot them, then again 1000s of murders in Chicago happen without any sort of real investigation

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