Livid La Vida Loca

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>Asking for much >Proceed to forcefully take over land from Palestine after Israel was established

You do realize they occupied a shit ton of Palestinian land after Israel was formed right

Gains made in defensive wars are usually obtained or returned by a legally sanctioned body, as opposed to being the longest occupied territories in modern history

They took the entirety of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Those aren't exactly No Man's Land

So try and take the land you've had for the past 100 years back from foreigners backed by even stronger foreigners is just play stupid games and win stupid prizes

I mean I'm down for that, I don't like either of them, but I'm just saying, I wouldn't want some fucking leaf to try and pull that shit on me

Defend your fucking land and culture

Don't just bend over and get fucked in the ass.

Let's just slap an Organic label on it all and sell it all to the Democrats

Funny thing about Democrats and gun control

The states they live in have the most gun control but also the absolute best black markets for guns

It's easier to get a gun in NY illegally, which if you're going to use it for crimes, is absolutely in your favor.

Oh yeah, what liberals will never say is how the gun bans they have in place contribute to an absolutely massive black market

Or are pretty much responsible for it reaching the gargantuan size it has in America

In NYC alone, getting a gun requires a shit ton of money for permits, way more then most other states, but you can score a reasonably maintained handgun got about 1/10th of that entire process, both in time and money.

Tfw gun control laws are the weapons equivalent of DRM and are just as shitty kek

Shave it off unless you're in a really cold area

Seeing a Fortnite streamer beat his wife is so surreal but hilarious

This is degeneration at it's peak

He is thinking about the future, when it's finally happening, Sadmin will be fucking ready.

Start a grass roots campaign

Now that's how you run a campaign

We won't rest until every school security guard has an M60 at their posts.

I feel we need to have a law similar to the Protected status granted to buildings with historical significance, but for guns.

Basically, we need to make this illegal

That ping is easily the most gruesome one I've ever had

Between learning about that 10 year old drag queen and seeing that welder job, my stomach just can't handle anymore

The latter you can scroll up to see but I wouldn't recommend

And apparently some 10 year old drag queen was in some gay club where a bunch of guys were throwing money at him

What is it with fucking kids?

People get the slightest bit of power and they just start fucking kids

Or do people that want to fuck kids just become more motivated to get power in order to fuck kids?

Nah then they could just cruise for midgets

I was never too firm a believer in religion but seeing the degeneracy around me is making me reconsider at least going to church every other sunday

Good, wholesome, non-catholic church

I don't even get the appeal of dating a short girl

I can't dig that, I got a little sister, so any girl under 5'7 is pretty much just a child to me

Manlets can hide easier and are lower to the ground, it's the tactical trade off for the aesthetic one

Powerlifting is the true path in life

Lifting is easier for manlets

Deadlifts, squats, benchpressing

I've just been experimenting with different types of shakes

Ignoring stretching is such an amateur mistake

People roiding up pre-40 years old are just clowns

Same for people that just do shit like bicep curls

Right? This is easy shit to find out

Hell, if you're super lazy, just look up the routines and habits of the best lifters on the planet

I learned a lot of good shit from Ronnie Coleman and Brian Shaw

It's great for cooldown too, especially if you hate cardio

This turned from horrible gun mutilation, to brown people fucking kids, to fitness

If i ever get the resources for it, I will one day attempt to steal the kube

France is undergoing it's redemption arc

I'm not supporting violent actions, but hypothetically, a few politicians getting picked off across the country would send a good message

Hypothetically of course

In our exclusive 18+ high school RP minecraft server, we will craft Big Irons to grief politicians

Mad Dog won't lose, and Dems sure as hell won't win

Hillary's people are still trying to cling to power in the Dem's party

And it's not going over well

So if Mattis runs before they get their shit together, we fucking GOT THIS

I'm going to send letters to Hillary's campaign office and encourage her to run again

No, they're under "Investigation"

Once people have enough power, they don't suffer consequences

NSA was fucking wiretapping US citizens and we've seen nothing come of that

Never forget the UNITEDRAKE leak that pretty much confirmed the US had software able to disguise attackers as having Russian origin

Afghanis called them in there to deal with a massive pedophile epidemic

Bakabhazi practices were pretty much why the Taliban was there in the first place, cause turns out people don't like their sons being made to dress as girls and dance for local warlords

Do not tax the ever loving shit out of export/import, that aluminum tax was fucking brutal

That is true though, their stock market got FUCKED

Communist China has a an unusual amount of billionaires, kinda makes you do a big fuckin' think

>Wall is coming >That fucking aluminum tarrif already has a bunch of colleagues rattled

If he actually made Mexico pay for it, I wouldn't have given a fuck, but christ this is gonna suck

That tarrif fucked with a lot of local industry

Dude, our military budget is bloated as fuck

That fucking thing is the greatest argument for not paying taxes ever

The stock market's at the lowest it's been in ten fucking years too

I'm gonna withdraw all my shit, fuck this

This one is supposed to be particularly bad due to the high we were at and the stopgaps trump put in place

What's the best firearm I can acquire to keep poor people from trying to loot my home

I need to defend my toilet paper and food

I actually used mine as one once

Before it fell off a boat

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