Ho Lee Phuc

Discord ID: 427273047528046592

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She would probably calm down if swamp dicked her down

Sorry ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธ theres a reservation on mine

So swamp has to do it

>arbeit macht frei

What a bunch of retards

I have sociology lectures too

The woman who is the lecturer is so fucking weird

I had shit about society classes, race n shit like this

My client is innocent

He did not have sexual relations with that woman

Mr. Swamp you dont have to answer their questions

What if im a jewish pole

Nigga im being your lawyer for free

And yet you complain

What a fucking cuck

all of those are very jewish but Uzy Stein wins definitely

@CornfieldAnon why does your food look like you found it in trash

Literally some meat and rice

>I arrive late at english lesson
>manspreading and mansplainning on the board

Why did I come here

Literraly toxic masculinity now

I signed up for C1 english cuz I wanted to learn something not to listen about what mansplaining is

I dont even own a gun

@Sadmin didnt know u are nearly deaf, nice funfact

Get internal ones

Get your head butchered

Anyway F for u man

i watched the movie with those guys

dont put any scope on it plz

Reminder that Sadmin once wanted to have on of those


@Sadmin how do you have six biological kids please explain

>having sadmin as dad

I mean none of them knew it was his

I dont even want to start a discussion about this

Stubbs goin metal mode

Within no more than a week VICE would make a video about the K island

I would let vice in

Just for the meme

Then pour as much autism as possible on them

@Punished Ggnome thats pretty metal not gonna lie

How many of those u got

Tyler1 is fucking short

This one dude on twitch said he bumped into him at twitchcon and he said tyler looks like a chihuahua on steroids

Nigga just look at the shape of his skull

Anything that dummy claims is bs

Fucking 7โ€™6

At least he has some muscle

*cries in skinnyfag*

The hooknosed tribe took your skin

We shall reclaim it one day

Luckily christ tribe didnt take mine

Its not a thing in here

Also F for my toe

Which I fucked up inna morning class

Had an rtg and its in one piece but still feels very fucky

Such a small bodypart

But so problematic

Do I see a...serb?

Oh christ @Vanjiga I remember you from the old PK

I tend to remember fellow slavs


Yeah beer is pretty dope

Did u try our food?

Pulling smegma out of horse dicks

21st century is weird

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