
Discord ID: 255740855594385408

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Girl wants to act manly? Sure, ainโ€™t hurting nobody

Girl wants a double mastectomy and a fake dick?

Trying to look like women to get buttfucked

Tomboys have ceased to exist

Society forced them to be dykes or trannies or return to basic bitchsom

โ€œYouโ€™ll never find a woman like meโ€

Itโ€™s like the fall of the Roman Empire with fast food and wifi

Itโ€™s easier than living in the box

Weโ€™ll have a lot more sky kings or Dylan roofs before then

Fellas itโ€™s been enlightening

Adios for a bit niggys

Why is furry porn always whack

Does that mean scalies get Gator-aids

Yeah, itโ€™s a bad example

But folks post fur porn for shock value a lot

I mean, I donโ€™t like snouts or fur

So I donโ€™t beat it to furry porn

I donโ€™t really have anything against it, but a lot of furries are weirdos or massive cunts

Like, itโ€™s not my thing man

Oh god itโ€™s a sporter No. 1

You need a nose cap and front wood

Preferable something as dark as the butt

Hard to tell, possibly

<:tamamodab2:485506018227257346> <:TamamoDab:483459011463741451>

Monster girls are great but fur ick

I have a nice one of a Centaur riot cop somewhere

See some folks want animal snout and human body, Iโ€™m fine with human torso and animal other stuff

Itโ€™s possible she has it on her left side

Also sheโ€™s either a lefty shooter or really into sword stuff

Have her mown down by MG08 fire if you wanna be realistic

You know if she survives past 1915 sheโ€™ll spend the rest of the war towing artillery

Thatโ€™s really handy

Artilleryโ€™s what I plan to be when I re-enlist

in a WWI or WWII context centaurs make good scouts and artillery crew and not much else beyond ceremonial duties

If you take that back to the Russo Japanese war things change a lot

You could write a lot about that, tbh

Centaurs having proud, noble lineages of being cavalry dating back centuries suddenly faced with the dawning realization that horses are useless in mechanized warfare

Having to deal with towing artillery

Then fighting in the bush wars and as operators today, on the rare occasions horses are used

Call it horse soldier for a laff

Thatโ€™s half the joke

Itโ€™s essentially that but with cute centaur girls

Itโ€™s a โ€œwritefag steals the plot of something famousโ€

Actually centaurs would be great for lawrence of Arabia shit, or LRDG stuff

City life isnโ€™t well suited to centaurs

I mean I walk 4 klicks to work

That looks like a 7.62x41 one

I have seen some awful art of that thing

Iโ€™d rather be the one on the rooftop

>itโ€™s next to the zyklon

Whereโ€™d you get the zyklon can?

Yeah I saw the dynamite

Thatโ€™s pretty rad

The actual chemical name isnโ€™t the one in common usage

Which is unfortunate, but Iโ€™m just going off of what I know it as

Because I donโ€™t know the actual chemical composition

yes goy, look at their not white skin and large noses

what am I looking at

I didnโ€™t want to just say โ€œSAUCE PLS CUM 2 BRAZILโ€

Peiper lead a Kampfgruppe IIRC

Hello and welcome to I have a PC folder of them and am on my phone

I love robo girls, they need lots of love too

Thatโ€™s not strictly true

Early war successes canโ€™t be ignored

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