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Discord ID: 547760321834647554

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I was debating trauma but you interrupted

So back off

I’m not a salty vegan

I’m used to it

Y’all act like I’ve never seen steak or somethin

I asked for a debate

It’s a debate

Are you dumb

Luke you’re stupid af

Mind your own dam business luke

Did I ask

Did I ask

Neither do I

Actually it doesn’t

Meat has 0 carbs which gives off energy

Just saying

But y’all don’t need it

An unhealthy one

A morally wrong one

One that’s terrible for the environment

You’re ignorant

A non vegan diet is a selfish diet

Yeah because people are brain washed

That’s why it’s legal

That’s not how the ecosystem works my guy

Everyone is against me it’s frightening

Trauma you’re the only one here with a brain

That’s why I chose to debate you

I’m not speaking to you

Jump off a bridge

Imagine having autism

Imagine ending life for your own taste buds

You’re a weeb that hunts wtf

We all know you’re gay luke

You’re a gay weeb

That’s why you have no friends

Because nobody likes you

It’s jeans milk

Like you were bullied I’m high school which shows your current psychopathic behavior

You were bullied for being a gay weeb which is why you’re crazy

I feel bad for you

The debate is over

Y’all were attacking me personally the whole time don’t lie

I don’t want to admit it

I don’t like being gay

I feel bad for you

Honestly though y’all were coming for blood the whole time

What state are you guys from

I’m from jersey

Don’t do it

Please don’t do it

Your family loves you

Don’t kill those innocent children

The bullies are gone

The bullies are gone just don’t shoot

Only a psychopath would send their gun in chat

I’m sorry

I doubt that

I’m all for the constitution but we shouldn’t give guns to the mentally ill

I get that vibe from you

I’m not saying

Because you were bullied

And you sent your gun into a discord

I’m gay too

It’s a weapon

Mayor Pete for president

I’m 12 I’ll admit it

I’m up late on a school night I’ll admit it

I’m not

I’m almost 13

And I’m still confused on my sexuality

That’s not fair

I’m a good person

I classify as gay

Pls don’t kick me

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