Dick Dastardly™

Discord ID: 190335906513813505

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Yeah, high fantasy

The author is Robert Jordan

He took inspiration from lots of Indo-European religions and myths and made his own thing

I read with audiobooks most of the time, while I'm working

No shame in that

For most of human history, tales were passed along orally, we are wired to listen to stories

Do what's right for you bruh

Who cares, sleep is good for you

There's actually nothing at all wrong with averaging 8 hours of sleep a night

That is in fact preferable for your health

From my perspective it sounds like you are doing quite well in regards to getting enough rest

Speculation: It might be you feel this way because you feel you have not accomplished enough during your waking life

Seems ok to me 🤷

Even better lol

I stayed awake for 36 hours once and then slept for 16 hours following

I would say your sleep patterns are perfect as you describe them

Do some root cause analysis on why you feel this way, it might be simply worrying over nothing, or you might find there's something you need to address that you are absent-mindedly putting off during your waking time

There's many ways to do root cause analysis thinking

The simplest way is called "Five Whys"

So you start with "I'm worried that I'm sleeping too much" and you ask "Why?"

And you just keep asking why until you can't break down the problem anymore

Then you evaluate your final answer to see if it makes sense or not

It's Socratic in nature

Hope it helps

The beginning is to put boundaries around the problem

You may find that your boundaries are too wide or in the wrong place, but it is a beginning

If you want to find other methods you can just web search root cause analysis tools


I learned it from being involved in quality assurance in my profession

These methods of thinking are used in any serious business environment and especially in manufacturing and service (maintenance and repair)

They can be applied to any problem at all really

I don't

If you think it will help then try it I suppose

If you are making incremental improvements that trend in a positive direction over your time frame then there's reason for satisfaction

Mental health is pretty broad

what is re:life

You might like Wheel of Time


I'm not a religious man but if for some bizarre reason the Pope called a crusade against Islam in Europe I would seriously consider joining

Not gonna happen though since he's a commie and a baby raper

I'm amazed at how cowed Catholics are

They should have already thrown his ass out of the Vatican by now

But that's the trouble with religions like that, he got put there by "God" so even if he's a commie and a cannibal they can't turn him into a christmas ornament if you catch my meaning

I guess God wants a pope who covers up for child rapists and tacitly permits Islam to destroy western civ from the inside out


No thanks

I already escaped a cult, I don't want to join another one

It won't count because I've covered my entire body in petroleum jelly, so that none of the water actually makes contact with my body

No no, that's how you induct people into that sea god religion from GoT lol

Hold on a minute you never said anything about the God Emperor before

I thought you were trying to get me to be Catholic

Catholicism can (and will) die a slow death

I would rather not die at all

I want to transcend mortal humanity and become a God as the emperors of Rome did

No but there was a sudden plague

Sudden plagues

No single thing ended Rome, it was a whole pile of things that built up over a long time

I don't like most games anymore

I find myself returning to older games more often

Not long ago I recommended System Shock 2 to someone and they told me they wouldn't play it because they looked it up on YouTube and the graphics are bad

I just decided to stop talking to that person about video games

Both I guess

Except Doom 2016

Oh shit

I gotta play Witcher 3 some more

Thanks for reminding me

I have a nicer PC now than last time I played it, should be even better looking

I didn't like Witcher 2 because of the way they did potions

It pissed me off

You mean the one where he describes how the radical left is actively destroying the country but "I don't know, what do you guys think, I'm still on the left, it isn't so bad, don't look at the man behind the curtain". That Tim Pool?

The one that comitted arson and murdered it's own pets?

His fence sitting reached the level of complicity in my mind about a year ago

I always get a good laugh when he reports on how insane the left is and then turns around and says "Bernie is good tho"

I try not to bubble my content intake

Ninja Scroll is a good oldskool anime

Most of the oldskool shit is the best

Anime seems to drop precipitously in quality after 2010-ish for the most part

The Castlevania miniseries that was on Netflix wasn't too bad though

I kind of liked Re:Zero's concept but not so much some of the things around it

I hate fanservice shit

You can do almost anything with animation, there's so much creative potential

And to squander it with oppai harem and call it an anime, not softcore hentai

Miss me with that shit

I'm still waiting for the day I can get some LSD so I can watch Angel's Egg in the proper state of mind

Xwedodah for the win

The left doesn't like MGTOW because they say it's alt-right. The right doesn't like MGTOW because it's not gynocentric. The alt-right doesn't like MGTOW because MGTOW doesn't give a shit about duh jooz.

On and on

Islam permits a man to have multiple wives on the proviso he provides for their needs, as I understand it

Saudi Arabia is fairly conservative with regards to Islam

They do make some compromises for the purpose of being able to do business with the west effectively

The first thing the U.S. should have done with nukes is to genocide communists, the second thing it should have done with nukes was to genocide Islam

Now it's too late because commies and muslims have nukes too

Oh well

We need a Pinochet

The left is practically insuring that there will be violent conflict in the future because of their behavior

By putting people out of the public discourse, and by now making them unemployable and cutting them off from access to financial institutions, people will begin building a parallel economy

But because it will be fragile in it's infancy they will be able to stifle or even destroy that too

This will push more and more people to radicalism because they will feel they have no way to negotiate peacefully

I sure did

I became more certain than I ever have been of my prognostication after listening to that

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