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and i got an intelligence scolarship

dude LBFMs are fucking fun

im pretty sure i got two bastards in PI hahaha

yeah i bet man. i ran into vietnam guys when i was in PI. what age were you in the military?

oh i met a 19 year old shop girl in the mall and took her v card hahhahah. dude i wrecked that fucking pussy

asian girls def have shallow pussys

yeah dude! theres a fucking reason the stereotype of white guys liking asian puss exists

im in my late twenties

im not old

fuck dude im a junior penetration tester. there aint old people in that

shut up weeb

i like im not TOTALLY into asians. you know the tightest pussy ive had? fucking guess

no thompson you little bitch. guess lol

race wise

not MOS wise

I cant tell if thats a sex doll or a real bitch

the tightest race pussy i had was a black girl. and i mean BLACK

dark as midnight

no shit dude


she had D's and a huge ass

im pretty sure its cause american blacks were bred to be jacked af and it extends to their pussy

not all. some have the wonder slave-bred genes come out

im a straight man whore, and ive fucked probably 42 girls(which isnt much to the chad friends i have who are the typical 6'2-6'5)

but all the black girls have tight pussys and they are horny af

they just look like monkeys and im not attracted to them

black girls are also the most entitled bitches ive met. you have to be asn asshole and seriously act like you can take their head off at any moment

thats what i said

well it extends to UK-Euro blacks too. they are learning from america

when i was in london it was the same SJW race shit

I agree thompson


i fucking deadlift 405, squat 365, shoulder press 155 and I still practice hacking for 3-4 hours a day

@ziyauren later man

not gonna lie i listen to all might vs noumu fight in english dub every day when i wake up and chug 6 eggs raw hahahhahah

I wanted to be in the CIA/FBI but then I realized how bullshit the government was. I found MGTOW my last semester in college. After a crippling year long depression from my ex cheating on me when I went to the middle east alone for a year to study arabic in egypt, jordan, israel, palestine and others

with a background as a special forces operative and a foreign language it would have been cool. but i heard the CIA has a shitty work culture. and tech is fucking booming now

@VenomousHawk86 arabs are honestly red pill as fuck. i got along with way more of them than i ever did with amerikis

the military is great if you are single and save your money up. but you can do a job that does not translate to the civilian world. I did marine recon, so the only jobs i could do were contracting in afghan or iraq or w/e

and contracting is a young mans game

thats why i turned to hacking. it affects every single thing in life now. and you can make a shitload of money doing it

especially with an OSCP

mortars arent that fun. what you are gonna do is with a long rifle

ive done call for fire and its fun on the range

you also need support. rely on yourself with a rifle and learn how to hack

thats my biggest suggestin for MGTOWS

learn CQB, TCP/IP protocols and networking, Python, enumeration, OS fingerprinting, and various tools like metasploit, nmap, nessus, dirbuster

hacking gets you money and agile movement in a world that wants to censor you, monitor you, and limit your freedom of speech

being a pen tester is awesome man

im 28 and make 90 k

and i break into corporations

and government networks

once you learn tech

you realize how fucking ignorant everyone is to their life. they dont think how much of their life is controlled by tech. once you realize you can totally ruin their credit, relationship, and career with simple spear phishing, google hacking, etc, you are in control of this new world

im old and i started my hacking journey last year with studying for other certs after i graduated. this is a power MGTOWS should have. fuck we have so much time to master this stuff anyways since we arent wasting time on kids or women

no not 4chan

they are skiddies

and autists

i started in october

but i also pour my time into this every fucking day and i have all the infosec reddits followed and i also scour the darkweb

anything is possible if you are interested in your work after work

no one has that anymore.


you can literally get paid to be a hacker

work hard enough

and you become an online legend able to break into anything

that sounds more MGTOW than anything

like a modern day m

Musashi Miyamoto

you are gonna have to spend 200+ hours studying learning computing basics. I can send you a link to the guy who gave me my framework. I watched every single video he listed


PM me

if you have questions

and that applies to anyone

old meme

get fucked normie

i honestly have more respect for devs

they deal with some serious bs and their ideas always get shit on lol i would rather break other peoples shit

espec with management

espec java devs. those niggas get wrung out. i started out as a java guy, python is way better as a pen tester. i write my scripts for my port scanner and get my nmap scans on the way and proceed with my vulnerability assessment. I honestly detest coding. Being able to understand code helps out but I fucking hate coding.

being a console cowboy, enumerating, writing my own scripts, being involved in establishing a secure digital network AND physical (I picked locks in marine recon, better to traverse 500 meters in okinawas jungle on roads than 2k thru jungle, so pick the wafer locks on the gate on the road) i realized im more of a doer than a creater

im reading on it now, couple min

nothing changes

feminists have their claws in the gov

this is all hype man

im telling you mgtow is a world wide thing, i met Filipinos, Arabs, Israelis and others who arent getting married. smart men realize the hand they are being played my dude

men run shit

we have the internet now

yeah i agree

as long as the cyberspace highway runs free, mgtow will dominate

men are creatures of things, women are creatures of people

its why mgtow is gonna win

learn to hack revel

you will always be up solving problems

i work out, work and drink a few beers before looking at the darkweb and doing hackthebox

its not hard dude

just boot a linux distro focused on security and explore

whonix or tails

is good

drugs and fraudsters

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