
Discord ID: 400495543752720396

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It's adrenaline inducing to the roof

And when you fire your shit bruv, you feel more alive than you can imagine

I can't find the uncut vid

I tried to find it on ll

It's not there

Bruh ๐Ÿ’ฏ ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Let me go on the computer

Yeah I expect it to be

Idk if I want to watch the whole thing

Just non-wholesome curiosity

The shooter was a shit poster troll master

He's basically trying to troll the world and get a war between Muslims and white people

Like the joker said, all you need is a little push

We are war animals when you look at the history of humanity

It's a fact

That's quite pathetic


Kills don't gun people

The guy with bump stocks

Am I right

Irony is cheap

@Leif_Ericksson99 vid is quite gross

I couldn't watch the whole thing

48 hours without weed for me and I can't fucking sleep

Sober your whole life though....

Do you feel that natural high

When I took a break from the shit for months I experienced natural highs after a while

For no reasons

Like mild euphoria

With a clear head

After a while the interest for the plant fades and becomes non significant

You just do whatever you want and pot is accessory

I had to go through a phase of intense consumption for years to get to this point though

I used to be obsessed with it

Have you tried to see how high you can get?

I can say I touched the roof


Tried edibles + dabs + weed?

All at the same time

There's that Russian methodology to quit alcohol that consist on getting sick from it

It kind of works to detach yourself from the psychological aspects of weed addiction

When you get to the point of crawling on the floor because you are so high

I never did other drugs except Salvia once

I'm not interested

Also abused prescription opiates but only for a short time

Too toxic

It was giving me terrible nightmares

Fuckin horrible

Psychedelics don't appeal to me

I have been offered coke and never tried, not interested

Also recently I ended up in a post office truck turned in a motorhome with free party junkies and got offered ketamine which I turned down

I witnessed the pathetic effects it had on people who were partaking though

This guy almost falls on the floor after talking a bump

Spilling his beer

Maybe it may give you the illusion

Yeah it's just an impression

You actually get distant and self absorbed over time with abuse

Distant even from your own self and body

We are dopamine monkeys

Never forget that

Some of the shit out there is so powerful it may hijack your own self

Turn you into a fucking zombie

I've frequented people who shoot heroin

They were empty

Friends of a friend


Yes absolutely

Everything is multi factorial

I fuck like a rabbit

2 seconds tops ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚

There's a caller

Btw check out the link @Revel for some reason it doesn't show up with a miniature

(The sound doesn't matter)

Look at this motherfuckin rabbit ๐Ÿ˜‚

Btw China have issues with birth rates as well

There's other places where they still pop snot bags like fucking rabbits though

Last time I talked with a feminist I just told her she couldn't handle what I have to say and told her about men condition and she ended up wet in the pussy I bet. She's not used to be confronted ahah. At the end of the night she was like too bad I can't bring you home because I go back with a friend

They just want dominant males deep down

This bitch is used to talk with wussy boys trying to agree with everything she's saying to score pussy points

It's a turn off for woman

They want someone who put them to their place

Can never admit it though

Would you guys fuck a feminazi for the lols

If there was no effort involved

That's the ultimate troll when you think about it

Fatherhood in 2019 is a scam

Single mothers are the most entitled it's fucking crazy

There will always be simps to procreate anyway

I heard a bitch saying if he has no money I'm not interested the other day

I want a rich man

Ugly ass hoe with 2 snot bags

This is parasitic behavior is all


Only good point of having kids is to raise the bar instead of letting the morons repopulate

Like in idiocracy

Youtube spamming Pewdiefag vs t series recommandations is starting to piss me off

Who gives a fuck

This topic can only be "interesting" for a couple days

Then it started to bore me

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