The Holy Spirit ✔

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this post was made my bottom gang

Idk, I used to identify as a lesbian until I got my first crush on a really fem guy in high school

After that I just kinda started to like older men with soft features

Im talking about just being turned on by femininity in general. Its sexy

kids are fucking ugly

Yes we are

I'm an amateur! Just started Madame training in LA

I want it to be my side hustle to support Med school

Straight white men are lovely and they get shit on too much for just existing

I don't care what James Charles does with his life; I just like his makeup

Goodnight Drex!

Yeah, Im gonna head off too

n00b is already *my egirl*

STD gang

This post was made by bottom gang

Sounds hot but only to guys

Idk, Ive had a dick rubbed on me and it was fine I guess I rather it be in me

Yeah, I dont have a dick and honestly its just skin on skin to women

Now that's cute

I love when guys and girls just lay their heads on my lap and rest after lewding. I love gliding my hands through their hair, especially if it's fine hair.

Or when they fall asleep on your chest, it's nice while it lasts


Listen here **Lentils**

bro when I was 12 a bitch kid called me "lentil tits." And laughed at me

Jokes on that bitch I have C cups now and he got a girl pregnant at 14 ahhahahahahaah


Good evening my fellow Queer

Yes mommy

Goodnight Hokage-san

A-astolfo-sama not in front of the kids <:nekogasm:262791717932105729>

Hitler speak?

I only speak in **S T A L I N**

Bay area for the winnn

Real talk

Im thinking about trying to get back with my ex. Idk if it's a good move but I wanna try.

I thought so u.u

We seperated after 6 years because of distance

He is a wonderful human being; just kind of immature

Yeah, he's moving to Houston soon

We're still best friends after so long and I wanna try before he gets a whiff of Texan booty

Not sorry, stop it

@Trolliburton Your name is the only campaign I trust

Id smash but I have the wrong genitals

Anyway, goodnight babes

Dont fucking die

Evening pussy eaters!

And to the fellow dick eaters

Not much, just ass suckin'

That's hella noob energy right there. True internet thots go to sleep at 6am and wake up at 6:30am

Or you dont sleep. When I was a teenager Id get the adrenaline high of not sleeping twice in a row before the lag began to settle in

Its such a rush to wake up after sleeping some minutes or even an hour

You have adrenaline all day and then you crash horribly

I never did that

Never fell asleep

Hella noob energy. That's okay, its for the best. Shleep while you can young one

Watch hentai obviously

Daisuki No Mama is a good fap

Of course baby only for you


Yeah Im gonna sleep now

I have to grade students exams tomorrow and I need to be sharp enough to not wanna die while giving lecture

I miss being a kool teen <:feelsbad:262791606288121867>

Foxy your pfp looks like it has down syndrome

Foxy likes it

Id like to not pay bills


I mean he HAD already been in his mom sooo

Bruh that's so sad

Im a fucking autism bro why you post that

Guess I like girls. Oh wait, I always did u.u

You gotta ascend bro

Yeah like his pp

Bro i like your energy I hope that when you get laid its with someone who cares about you @MrBatarang

Whys your pfp a loli sir?

Roblox gf

@silverdroid Dont your girlfriend's irrational assholery dictate your life like that man.

From woman to you, its toxic behavior. Get rid of her

Wtf its a fictional character. That's a sign of insecurity and she doesnt get to out that on you

No, I have three degrees in this shit it is

I see so many poor guys slave themselves away for mean girls because they dont recognize its toxic behavior <:feelsdeadman:277128043032477707>

I only ever liked submissive twinks so idk man

You didnt get me Bat, i dont got a dick it fell off

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