The Holy Spirit ✔

Discord ID: 516054494061002772

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I wanna fuck a nun so bad

Yo tambien, solo me gusta decir chingaderas

egirls are ugly

If I wanted to see a flat chest Id just look in the mirror

Or at my loli chained in the corner

<@344661076899790859> Naci en Veracruz pero creci en los Estados Unidos

Por eso mi español esta bien mocho

Little boys are fucking ugly

Shut up you pederast

You have no opinion

Your mom's pussy

Can you tell im like -7

I am, thank you

Germans are ugly and have shriveled peepee's

That's pretty cool

Girls dont exist you fucking fa*****

its only men and traps in this land

You ever see a kid and think how pathetic and small they are and wanna drop kick them?

Ive fapped to grass before

I actually don't watch hentai or porn much anymore

If I ever actually do Its just to feel better because Ive had a rough day but I cant even get 1 minute into the video without just turning it off and not doing anything

Asians *do* have little dicks. That's fine

Actually fresh human meat would just shrivel at being immediately cooked. You'd have to store the meat for a while and possibly skin it.

I don't have a dick

I wish I did

so badly

I'm 18 and done with fapping tbh I kinda just wanna go lie down and sleep

Imagine being Charlie Sheen

Ching Chong uuuuweee

Buenas noches mi amor

<@344661076899790859> <:nekogasm:262791717932105729>

Send me all your collarbones pics guyz

Bi doesnt exist

You pick dick or dick that's just how it is

I like twink men

But im full lesbo besides that

@Idk But Eggy Taboo Charming Mother

**always watch Taboo Charming Mother**

Its a classic, also, gladly

@kermacide Basically traps but more masc

@kermacide You sound beautiful

My ex was a small twink guy with golden hair and soft fair skin and he loved to cross dress and Its just a massive turn on for me now

I said I liked twink guys

My thing is just feminity period

wtf, now I just noticed I rub my nose that way too



Jokes on the FBI. I fap to FBI not loli. It was all trap

Yeah boiiiii

@Idk But Eggy That's fine Karen

Your boobs were going full limp balloons anyway; I needed a fresher woman

Big deflated ballons better than pathetic nutsacks @Idk But Eggy

Dam, true u.u

I have no nutsack to count for <:feelsdeadman:277128043032477707>

@Idk But Eggy You were being so distant u.u

@Idk But Eggy I have needs too you know <:feelsbad:262791606288121867>

Nah, Id smash FBI over lolis any day

@Idk But Eggy You cheated on me with a loli tho... I can never forgive you

@Idk But Eggy You broke my heart Karen <:rubycry:508979253396897794>

@Idk But Eggy I already filed for the divorce Karen.. Just.. it's over..

But please don't take the kids Karen.

They're my kids too Karen

@Idk But Eggy I gotta move on <:rubycry:508979253396897794>

Its called having autism



Rinse it

Id smash both Steve and Alex

Moth stop being edgy. Its not smart or wholesome to talk about how much we suck we all share the same species at the end of the day and we're all gonna die anyway

Yo.. Remember the classics like Momiji Im not a Doll?

Sadly, no

Most of Japan's youth are virgins that fap to underage Idol girls. They're God-Level losers

Someone needs to euthanize all these cucks

Except for E-Girl, she's cool

Great, next step is to kill

I feel like such a dumb bitch I just found out "poz'ing" is a thing

Loli doesn't equal lewds. It's just an anime midget

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