
Discord ID: 462042542532329482

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But all of academia is stuck up pricks

That is the sad truth of why I don't want to be a teacher

I am going to teach through youtube

Well such is life. It's a bitch ass world out there

Good luck on your path. I am the same way

Good Poem

Oh well thats pretty thiccc math

If you are American its already super late. Might as well stay

Just like the r/dankmemes subreddit. That thing became normie central

It's just like RGE says. If you love something don't let normies in it

a state? like a state of being?

Its possible to stop being a normie but very few of them do it

Just like its possible to become MGTOW but very few do

I think it depends on who you ask

I would say becoming "self-actualized" as Hermit says

meaning you derive your own meaning and satisfaction without the need for women and other people

thank you for the link man

I really like Human

His new video makes a good point

Right now I'm researching the history of Fort Smith for my first video

Its in Arkansas

I'm making videos right now so I can post them later. I want to have a backlog

Do you think you'd want to watch a video about American towns or ethnic groups?

well thats fine

I'm going to make it anyways so meh

I feel like a bit of a pussy but I just want to try and keep a youtube channel

I'm worried if I use the label I'll get screwed. But I can still talk about MGTOW stuff

You can still make MGTOW type stuff without the label

For example, I was thinking about making a video on the Bushido Code

9 years of chat logs?


Maybe an overstatement

Profound sadness is when you start writing the script for a video and then the power goes out for working on

@YuriBezmenov yeah I hate that crap

Also love the name. He was a smart man


@YuriBezmenov I think the moral relativism has gone full swing

I don't even know if they care whats right or not

I seriously doubt it

Maybe it was common in the 1950s

alright I gotta get back to work on the videos instead of watching rap music video

was nice talking though

It really is pretty awesome the progress you can make in monk mode. HHH was right

This server seems way more weeby than monkey business

I like it

I love that comic lol

Sorry greentext

It's been a while since I've been on 4chan

Yeah Ive been there lol

I left

Not for anything against him though. Just not my cup of tea


Ive actually spoken to you forever ago. I just changed my name for the YouTube channel

You're into furry shit and explained to me what a scaley is lol

But thats cool dog


How's life been

Things were shit but now they're looking up for me<:FuckingGold:508878650322583553>

I've heard that's good


I'm way past the redpill rage

Evening mein dunkel mensch

(my nigga)

Don't lewd the racoon loli

Did some mods leave or something?

I remember there being more people

Nvm that's probably drama. I'm not trying to poke the beez nest

My nipples?

Why the nipples?

Well okay then

I am gay but I'm bi so that only means I'm half homo


I'm always allowed to be proud

I've got heritage and history boi



Do I spot a MFing homo?




*Stand down*

Wtf your pfp makes my penis the extendo penis


I'm kidding though.

I've been around a lot of furries. Over time I've been able to hold back the cleansing flame

I'm already a CD so may as well be a CD furry homo

Alright I'm going for the horse estrogen

Better be neighing by the end of the month

Mr. Hands?

I don't remember him

Australian internet users must have shitty sleeping hours

Lol, the rest of the English world is on when they're asleep.

Rose keeps telling everyone he's a CD and then wonders why people ask him for requests

Like nigga this is why I don't normally tell people


I'm not a trans and I don't consider myself a trap either

I don't do it for the sexual stuff

Some people do though

Masculine presenting transgender lesbian haha

I still want that but eh

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