Al Capwned

Discord ID: 301518544783278081

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Stromboli num num num

You're a horse? Ahh, doesn't matter. You'll fit right in

You see the sausages up above?

That's your brother

now thats mean...

Drunk Anubis best anubis

dont forget little buddy, you put the key in the ignition and you turn

you'll figure out the rest

It's ok papa

poor man's ferrari

release now

My dad owned a couple of broncos way back. the nostalgia is real

Actually a pretty neat idea for cooling

i dont care for the cat ears themselves but for a cooling application, i like it. especially if you can have some airflow go down into the suit so it chills the body, even better

oh no, anubis is so drunk he thinks he is skol and MA is a trap

Just rewatched the Mist

what a movie!

I wish more horror movies had the balls to end similarly to this movie

Regardless of his beliefs, he did write some of the best shit around that were later adapted into good movies

I mean, he is from Vermont or whatever

wouldnt be surprised if it turns out his lineage was a bit inbred

You got boston and that's it. Everything else is small town stuff

its only a matter of time until you run into your cousin accidentally

I ain't into this anime shit but Liara t'soni is my waifu if i had to pick one.


i only know of her because of lads here like comando. never watched the show, dont know her personality

other than that the only anime i know is shit like dragon ball and the last airbender


not exactly blue but what do i know, im color blind

A mate tried to show me elfen lied or something. it's some chick who has these supersonic tentacle things that kill shit

it was


south park is good

boondocks was good

not all cartoons are bad or even meant for kids for that matter

apparently they're making a new jay and silent bob

I'll watch it at some point but I am not excited for it

I dont think they'll ever recreate the magic of jay and silent bob strikes back



Be the ball, Danny!

eine vierte Reich!

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Europaische Union

TV isn't real? And here I thought Gilligan never got off the island.

imagine that

Explain thisnonsense: she's crazy


If Trump is a Nazi, than nazism can't be that bad <:BIGBRAIN:501101491428392991>

ive been meaning to type something but i've been hypnotized by the dancing blonde


nobody wanted to take the bullet. Karpo, hero of Athenia

It's alright Muten

a hoplite posted a black guy zapping himself

He was resisting. He just had to do it

so he isn't supposed to delete NSFW?

"research purposes"

oh it is a chick

legit couldnt tell in the initial one


ok ladies, since you want some gay tunes

this band is legit. if you're into acdc you'll probably like these guys

This is Lebens

aka Sangmoore

Alexander "Do you have the testicular fortitude to engage in debate with me" Sangmoore


Either Asian or into asians

There comando

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