Al Capwned

Discord ID: 301518544783278081

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mamma mia, we so awesomeo

hey hey hey, the mafia has it's uses. Come on, some great films were made because of la cosa nostra

the navy wasn't as bad as the army. their biggest issues were fuel and they were going against the best navy in the world (royal navy)

because it doesn't count ๐Ÿ˜‰

top comment

Judaism: follow a bunch of complicated and esoteric rules from God and then spend all your time trying to cheat God and get around the rules.

Literally jewing God.

Jokes on you, Communist-parachute saves me!

People tell me it's not ok to say the N word but screw them. I love saying necrophilia

it rolls off the tongue so beautifully

Necrophilia my friend

That's teh circle of life man

No. Soap make a nigga go blind

The moment we've all waited for.

presumably folk in the middle east

Goose's son will be in it

Britain is 13% of the Anglosphere yet it accounts for 50% of the rape gangs <:BIGBRAIN:501101491428392991>

I reckon it's near miramar

maginot is a failure

The french didnt think the germans would break through belgium and the one forest up near there in france and thus put a majority of it's defense on the maginot.

The germans broke through

Maginot line failed to stop the Germans

Belgium is a smalller and poorer country than France

France was either arrogant or naive enough to believe Maginot would be enough, it wasn't

it was a waste of money

Beligium is nothing more than dutch people who think they are french

And dutch people are simply germans with funny accents

Considering they lasted for a month and only collapsed due to 2 major powers attacking them on two side. Yeah the Poles did alright

Some of their finest pilots would go on to fly for the British and help at the Battle of Britain

and continued to serve with distinguished honor throughout the war

spitfires iirc

though it may have been hurricanes or typhoons

apparently they also flew bombers and even flew for france


I think it would be cool being sonarman aboard a sub

listen to dolphins and shit

though, if shit hits the fan it's not a cool experience, im sure

"It pays to be a winner" -navy seals

bin dead

bin donefuckedup

bin had information that would lead to the arrest of hilary clinton laden

America is stupid?

Our thousands of nuclear warheads says otherwise

America won two world wars

you're welcome


lmao deletes the venezuela better than america comment


Here you go Venezuela man

Mossad Ring discovered. Shut it down!

not sure if that image is gonna be the final look

but its still cool they're bringing it back

oy vey

watches a single rammstein video

gets recommended dozens

Metallica didnt invent Metal

but they helped make it even more mainstream

heavy metal is kind of a generic term to describe the collective

but when most people say heavy metal, they are using it the same way as "rock", not a specific genre, but rather a collective umbrella term

I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum and im all out of bubblegum -Nuke Dukem

The original MGTOW

Somebody built it in a server i was in. Somebody else then placed themselves into ze oven

and I posted a sign saying them nibbas going to hell

Area 51: I have information that will lead to the arrest of Hilary Clinton

Sexy Boats!

Based Poland

Judaism: follow a bunch of complicated and esoteric rules from God and then spend all your time trying to cheat God and get around the rules.

Literally jewing God.

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