
Discord ID: 403366246080577536

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about to be <:blushing:515034082065776640> Iโ€™m gonna slap a pair on rn

nvm Iโ€™m not wearing adidas

hereโ€™s some close up action

too late, already laced up

hereโ€™s a more promiscuous shot


my combats boots fell apart



sheโ€™s a lil silly looking though

yo roo fucker, use your Aussie witch craft to put an organ failure hex on me

the kot you picked is going crazy rn

I can hear him running around upstairs meowing

the lil fuck is bouncing off the walls

I donโ€™t want to go to class <:Gamer:511746508110954497>

Itโ€™s my last class, I gotta

I donโ€™t even smoke small doinks

I get drug/ background checks

I can see my breath in here <:Gamer:511746508110954497>



I just got pawned epically


people that speed around in parking lots are dumb and I hate them

get a better car <:Gamer:511746508110954497>


driving shouldnโ€™t be over complicated because weโ€™ve got a lot of dummies out here

I donโ€™t find it fun. Itโ€™s just a way to get from point A to point B

Iโ€™m just not interested in it


I have a cheese doodle problem

but thatโ€™s up to rick



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