
Discord ID: 243158802411552778

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I solid snaked it in here

Nobody invited me


How's that work?



These no lobster emoji

Same here actually

Weird how that happens

Who is it?

the asians being good at math meme, comes from asian languages, the numbers are said with few syllables in their languages, so the asian mind is able to calculate numbers faster

not so for western languages

the problem with the french is that they are french

god damn it

yea keto works

I lost about 45 lbs in about 3 months when i first went on it

yes keto is no joke

when you live with people and partners that are all on the keto diet you can drop weight drastically

a bit late, but when my husband was an NYU student in the late 2000s many of the were sons and daughters of CCP members

In married to my husband who i have been with for years

Yang is a meme, in order for his candidate to maintain relevancy the memes have to remain hot and heavy all the way til super tuesday

A reminder that at this point in the electoral cycle for 2016, in march 2015, trump hadnt even announced yet, thats how early his candidcy (yangs) is.

do people really fall for the BBC meme?

i dont need to board that train thx

keto master race here

low carb high fat is awesome

ive been doing it for 3 years

i have a monitor, but i dont use it often

i lost like 40 lbs when i started it and ive largely maintained that weight since

i dont doubt it

why am i this wired at 120am? I shouldnt have passed out drunk earlier gdi

i swear i drink so much it affects my ability to type

i hate when i pass out drunk and then i cant find my fucking phone, fucking fuck

Husband is out of town so i usually get pissass drunk everynight hes gone

since he doesnt like it when i do that lmao

i only got married 2 years ago? but we've been together for 12 years, and to answer kot, yes i am til friday

we never had a proper honeymoon, but we have been saving it for the Tokyo 2020 olympics

husband has been to japan back in 07, and 08, i havent

always wanted to go

also the olympics arent that expensive, shockingly

tbh i like the winter games more

no things usually get more expensive during olympic events

i just thought it would be cool, the last time japan had it was 1964

so i may as well see it my lifetime

cause it prolly wont happen for another 50 years or so in a country im interested in

or in the US

unless I can go see a nearby winter games in canada or wherever

I enjoy male ice skating since its faggy as fuck

why am i this wired at 2am

lmao ive thought about that

I havent ordered from Dominos since like 2011

finally found my phone

maybe i need to drink myself to sleep lmao

when did the pastel trans flag meme itself into existence? I understand it was made in 1999, but I dont remember seeing it before 2015 or so.

im still awake

cursed boomer existence at these hours

what is peach liquor? like schnapps?

oh christ

i know what that is

Enjoiy a horrible hangover tomorrow

all that sweet shit will give you the worst headaches



Mossad shooter confirmed <:jewalert:489013579945738240>

Nz's muslism population is tiny too. Obyl about 40,000

Watch it double in population after this like in canada after their mosque shooting

Its Trudeau land. what do you think? Of course he let in more refugees as means of atonement

Let's see what happens to nz in a years time

Can't do that

It would clash with innocent muslisms narrative

Its all about narrative control. They want this to be a story about evil whitey gunning down brown people

gab is getting better

and the new Dissenter addon is pretty cool

the dissenter addon is kinda cool though, i like it more than gab

discord would be nice if the developers didnt leak shit to unicorn riot


Make the Democrats racist again

Based 90s joe biden

That's a take I cant say I've heard. You're trans cause you live in a hyper individualistic society?

Makes sense now that you put it that way

No way this was an accident

Fire started 6pm on holy week?

And there I'd fire suppression materials st work sites

Either way Macron is even more fucked. This is essentially French 9/11 and hes gonna be the the guy remembered for not only being unpopular but let the notre dame cathedral burn

Theres reason to be suspicious. there has been arson cases at various French catholic churches

If its arson by muzzie its gonna be covered up and kept hush hush and that's when you know things are bad. Nothing must stop the ethnic replacement plans in Europe and the US so they will just cover this up

Give it sometime. The ethnic replacement program has lead to political blowback in places like Italy. It will in France too

It's pretty much the kalergi plan in action

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