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What chink does sell the best dragon dildo?

If you select express shipping from eu country it will be not taxed,if that is your concern It is also fast shipping method

You could use re-shipping service to order anything from anywhere,it will cost bit more tho

What materials were used to make them? At that price range I expect something decent

If you want to cheap out,I recommend casio meme digital watches. They keep time perfectly and can survive few hammer hits.

What is wrong with green ones? They go well with hunting gear.I gave mine to the friend but now I kinda miss them.

I'll look up new ones,do you like some specific model?

I've considered ordering pink digitals that were also calculator from aliexpress

1$ it used to be 60 cents

I dislike to have contact with my delivery woman

so i order only things I really want

by that I mean she will ring the bell 7am and I want to sleep until 11

sadly not,there are strict rules. I've once ordered 1gum for 1 cent and she came 3 times with it to deliver,only after week it is stored in the post office,and you gotta come for it personally.

"child watch" but 22cm band lenght , maybe I never grow up

I'll decided to go for it. Imagine all the profit from calculating all that you buy in grocery shop. My inner jew is very happy about it.

I've checked my country flags on ali and for some reason only people that are not from my country buy them. I'm full of questions now.

C mon guys gimme them cheap PBT keycaps,ali,taobao,bangood it is expensive everywhere

What is point of this gearbest "invoice" paper? It has no valid number or text,I do not think It would pass as anything of value to anyone relevant.

well 15$ is not even cheap,I found 10$ set [but green]

and thank you for explaining

well it just feels weird to pay half the price of keyboard for keycaps

but i will probably do it if i find nice color combination

in worst case i take the switches and make my own keyboard

i got 3d printer and everything

I wanted to try how cheap can i get before burning myself

i would need to invest quite the ammount to make 2-3color

i doubt i could reach the fine finish anyway

I'll just wait for dolch discount then.

I mean if the seller would declare it is 24.6345 U.S. dollars or less like they always do,it would be no problem

To suggest him that would turn out badly for me tho

Any idea who of these make better quality keycaps?NPKC,S SKYEE,COOL JAZZ

I know,friend got rekt for keyboard

it was 40$ he paid 70$ after customs

considering one of these

That is automat kalashnikov that i do not know

even with agent it sounds like a good deal to me

I should go full meme and also buy cable

you are right at that one

I buy mostly very reasonable stuff from china

this is the only exception

my issue is that i need long one

My computer is almost on other side of the room

Comfy you are big youtuber,go get us discount on the cable and pbt keycaps

hahaha my sides,so gearbest is your only supporter?

Good enuff,I somehow got to coupons too by mislicking multiple times.

I've used the one you posted on comp peripherals [14%]

Made me afford urinal device

I get 1% of your piss from each sale

I piss in to sink to make no sound

and then run some water over it

she has issues at her age

so instead of pissing herself she can go around buss stop

and do sneaky piss somewhere

my brother is here,he has 2day ticket from jail

what chink shit should i buy him

so he does not drop soap

i got the bm800 actually,but i m too jew to buy phantom power

it kinda works with usb sound card tho

he had some chinese mint,so 5years of jail time

he had it well hidden at his table because it was raining outside,so he was too lazy to digg hole and hide it in it.

remember this story bois,never go full lazy

in 5. world country [eu]

he got actually 8 years buy you can drop part of judgement

but if he does something in those last 3 years

it was half the car of chinese mint

well not really half the car

that was exactly the case

he had it just for friends

basically several people gave him money and he went to other country for it

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