Emile Borovich

Discord ID: 241637642414850048

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How are we censoring facebook?

1.Thats not technically censorship
2. All I really want is for tech companies to cease the arbitrary deplatforming of people and businesses based on ideological reasons

To me its a form of discrimination to an extent

Obs not as serious as other forms tho

How are we deplatforming him?

Hes the one with the platfomr

We know that

But the same way businesses cant discriminate on things like race and sexuality they shouldnt be allowed to censor political opponents of theirs

Also theres that false equivalence again

Ur own home and a multi billion dollar website with millions of users are not comparable

That is true

However millions of people dont live in your house

And your house isnt available to everyone to enter initially b4 u suddenly chabgebur mind

Nice ad hominem i think?

Or is it a straw man?

Nothing ive said is socialist

Youre just throwing out accusations with no basis

Thank you

I dont mind moving

Which debate chat should we use?

We've moved chat set

Sideways france wins again


ye'd better watch yer fuckin tongue ye poor excuse aw a windae licker

>capitalist state
>national socialist workers party

that cant be real

>written after a war hence peace time
>"lol ur not at war rn so why do u need guns?"

Fuck me the alt right are cancerous to talk to

Been talking in circles with this guy in debate

He keeps contradicting himself

Whats fun tho is i got him to admit most of south america is white

Someond help me this alt righter is more retarded than i thought

He tried to tell me that hair colour is the same as being able wait for a reward

Hes peak alt right npc

Damnation was right

Its like talking to a racist brick wall

Dont tell the natsocs

thats just the spanish version of goyim

two, in fact

youtube released their rewind

and its a virtue signalling pile of trash

even put trevor noah in it for some reason

its not being received well

theres a solid minute of virtue signalling, where they mention *all women* and *all refugees*

half the comments criticising youtube for not including pewdiepie

every comment is negative

it gives me life

Which one was the pewdiepie meme?

oh yeah so it is

literally his chair as well


This article is so fucking disingenuous, it puts the natsocs to shame

our boy out here defending sargon

The more the merrier

He seems too forward about it

Poes paradox might be at play tho

This shit annoys me

Its sad he died but its almost completely unrelated to him being at the border

Irs obvious the only its being reported like this is to try to frame the borders being secured as a bad thing

Its a sick appeal to emotion when its not the border agents fault

Its the parents for dragging their child across thousands of miles

anyone who asks other ppl to educate themselves as already lost the argument

change my moind

Happy hogmanay from scotland

i was meaning the american raven guy but thanks anyway

youre lucky im not allowed to use globals in this server or youd have been dabbed on


when life gives you lemons

Both convey very different tones. First is cyberpunk vaporwave, second is space sci fi with a hint of evil space empire

Both look like a YA novel cover

Second because of evil space empire biases

Also why is your hand so long

The first picture mkes it look like u got an ET hand

Well whoever it is, their hand be tryna phone home

I can see its actual size it just looks longer cause she doesnt bend her fingers till the second joint

What you using the pics for anyway?

Ah. Good luck ๐Ÿ‘

the krauts have done it again

theyve conquered France with minimal resistance for the third time in just over a century

next youll be telling us slavery is a choice...

you setting up a long range booty call there damn?

i read that as "hang you when i can afford it"

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