Emile Borovich

Discord ID: 241637642414850048

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You have my condolences

thx for the earrape

Damned dutch and your secret messages

We'll crack your code one day

youtubes hiding videos

theyve done it before

i noticed once that one of his videos wasnt being shown to uk users but if i changed my vpn location to the states it would show

Who would win?
4000 tired migrants
The US military

Theres goes guatemala, el salvadors and honduras' foreign aid

Now theyre thinking of going after the trans folk

i want to see Carl Benjamin interviewing Barl Cenjamin

Place your bets lads:
False flag
MAGA Extremist
Jihadi Extremist
Not the bomber (arrested on suspicion but no proof)
A kid showing the dems his clock collection

Or trump himself

My guess is false flag too

False flag would be the best option anyway, cause it means it was just the dems showing how off the reservation theyve become

Rather than someone actually trying to take lives over political positions

sargon no...

is that fucking sargon?

fuck me it is

sargon running batton bodyguard duty

She still aims to be chancellor though

het wamting

that some kind of dutch politician there jorick?

i was wondering if anyone could help me here

im writing an essay on fake news and information literacy

i need an example of a tweet for example of cnn or some msm or other posting out fake news and then offering a retraction

im hoping to show that the correction reaches fewer people than the fake news article

anyone know of anything like that?

an archived version of that CNN twitter post where they claim Don Trump jr got the wikileaks podesta emails 10 days before he actually did

Question for the yank members: which party in your opinion has the best chance of gaining a majority in either of the houses these midterms?

Personally i hope its the republicans for the simple fact that the dems would only prevent change whereas the reps would enable it, whether good or bad itd still be change which is more interesting to watch than a stalemate

And theyll all fall to trumps space marines

If he gets the space marines operational before his second term ends he could run for a third term and no one could stop him because who wouldnt vote for the father of space marines?

I would and im not even american

Hey mate, just wondering, what political label would you align yourself with the most?

Genuine question not a trap

Just wondering from what perspective your opinions come from

He couldve been an alt right supremacist who thought the alt right were so powerful that they neednt fear the left

But now we'll never know

sargons vid insta yeeted

Sound the alarms boys the globalists are at it again

They actually elected cortez

Wow a blue wave of one whole seat

Look how fucked this map is

Get ready for 2 years of obstruction and "muh russians"

Oh of course

Thats how he'll play out thr next two years

But i dont know of i can stomach the russian stuff again

The dems and their base now think they have a chance at the presidency i bet

So they wont change their ways come 2020

his wife miscarried a while back

and ralph made a point to mock him for it so now the rest of the "sweetie squad" are doing the same

Except in russia

The war continued until 1920 with the royal scots fighting the bolsheviks


we tried to nuke the imperialism out of them and instead we replaced it with anime

you say that...

the japanese are already pretty degenerate

imagine what another would do

but what if a third one knocks the imperialism back into them?

we live in the space age now

imperial space weebs

i notice how its only white people doing the Ok sign

might help to say what the survey is for/asking m8

Something tells me hes a troll

No a psychic

No celtic

U asked me what i was not where i lived

Well its all youre getting

Sorry i dont have a credit card

Not fascist seeing as they still can leave

It seems to be nationalist, whether or not its just depends on what he means by consequences

I cant watch the video rn because of where i am and dont take my position as being the general consensus

Id imagine thatd be what he plans to do then, probably something along the lines of putting import tariffs on goods made by companies that leave the US to produce overseas

You use gab as an example but competitors like gab and bitchute are being censored and deplatformed for not subscribing to the silicon valley ideology

I dont want to put the state in charge but somwthing definitely needs to be done

Considering credit card companies are now getting involved its only a matter of time before banks start refusing to deal with certain ppl or businesses

Obviously not seeing as theyre censoring their customers

Thats not censorship

Comparing interpersonal relations to that of an international company is somewhat of a false equivalence

Any organisation with enough power can censor or at the least deplatform

We're not advocating censorship?

Im not keyed up enough on it to comment

Stop tagging me im still here

You never answered my question bloodmasked

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