
Discord ID: 418895773271588874

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like legit that's _all_

you went on some kind of rant how it's a shithole and gave nothing to the world, which don't get me wrong is all true

one of the reasons it's so safe here is precisely that people leave when they become older

to some idk better countries

can you read?

you asked me what does my country have

yeah most probably

serbia > serbia

yugoslavia > ussr

Greater Germanic Reich > USA

but it should be

let's start a war

it's like very eastern europe

yea yugoslavia used to be bunch of countries and they had a war with each other

but they shouldn't

and that's the plan

some fash dudes idk

mušar bušar al bagádií

the man the myth the boot-evading

we need to radicalise more of them

"the big bad _muzslims_ are _attacqing_ americans an'd well nuke them"

yeah we are all serious

now you've done it

i'm not this is how i look like

ok if noone is going to talk i can finally start talking about asses

Donnie just said something big has just happened

i bet it's some kind of an ass

just happenned

meaning someone with a big ass has just been born

yea, his office is respected through his humility and feared through his diplomacy haha

trump is like a cartoon president

just a comic relief accidentaly put into the lad

that's what democracy is

two idiots can outvote one smart guy

USA is pretty cyberpunk

and cyberpunk is pretty cool

i said outvote

u just salty that the corpos stole money from your ass

china is the ultimate cyberpunk

both literally and figurativley, china is not western

that's like steampunk but instead of steam it's farts

i don't my country's a shithole we just discussed that

@MOJYKZ i dunno yet every country seems fucked up rn prolly gonna off myself or somethin' lol

i agree you are

you should be the president

@TobaccoMike Michael, you are a genius and you should enter politics

aw man i'd vote for your ass any time

the iraqi people were saved when they weren't born in iraq


brown like shit

and shit comes from ass

it all comes down to ass my friends

yeah his name is andrew

i'll vote for him anyway

hey you guys ever heard of this old DOS geopolitical simulator

'ts called Shadow President

you can nuke the USSR and get away with it if you plan it correctly lol

i know this one called 'President-Elect 1988 Edition'

it's on one of those online DOS emulators

yes says the ass-man

basically you wanna kill yourself

hey so if we say cool breeze is the best you'll stop right

Cool Breeze is the best

* default dance *

gotta call one of them nazi mods

jono typíčo

he's probably also just trolling

a trump movie

a long-ass trump movie

like House of Farts

Don Underwood

don't be sad my boy the world is going to end soon

like if trump starred in House of Cards

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