Esoteric Osamaist

Discord ID: 449573105120313365

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Tulsi is based

More than that spic

spic jew i forgot her name

cortez or some shit

i mean yeah but

she's against foreign interventin

e.g. syria



why tf am I missing permissions for uploading pics

good looks

also no I'm a young Jewish man @hcaez

the liberals worst nogjtmorw


only if you're a tard


^ lol but not Christians right?

Why is Charlie Kirk such a fucking conservicuck?

Tucker Carslon absolutely BTFO'd him here

Tfw you claim to be anti big government but in reality you're just a crypto corporatist

roger stone got fucking dabbed on


Can Donald Trump declare martial law already and murder his opposition and finally build the wall?

Nancy Pelosi of all people is cucking him

Trump live announcing end of shutdown and that he will build a fence







Trying to get it past through congress was a retarded idea in the first place he should have declared a national emergency or implemented martial law

anything but a compromise with democrats

And the same thing will happen lol

Trump has shot himself in the foot here

I'll believe the wall meme when I see it

Neocuckservatives rise up

Ok, this is epic?

Ok, this is epic.

@Shadowstitcher11 The article wasn't saying the Holomeme didn't happen just that one dude was lying lol i do agree that the alt right is just as retarded as libshits tho

woah there buddy, that's awfully anti semetic!

Now ain't that just quackin crazy, Jimbo?!

And when traces were taken of the walls in Auschwitz, surprisingly the test results didn't come back with Zyklon B! Hell of a coincidence ain't it?


look what i found on me lunch break lads

<:PepeIcecreamSundae:475769244680847365> <:PepeIcecreamSundae:475769244680847365>

Pence is useless lmao

imagine if he actually became president top kek

rather him than joe "whites being a minority in america is a strength not a weakness" biden tho

Are you a literal boomer?

anyways, it's a misspelling of "lol" and sometimes it refers to the egyptian God, Kek

autists will say kek is the god of meme magic


animal cruelty isn't a joke

funny how Gandhi said the merit of a nation can be measured in how it treats its animals and Nazi Germany was the first country in the world to ban animal experimentation @s t a i n e d g l a s s


Greatest ally <:TrumpDab:475858725425643520> ๐Ÿ’ฆ

Hot take: Being pro choice is good but only in socioeconomic areas inhabited by immigrants and non whites


baazzzed black man

imagine caring about getting a pass

yes, also it was jews who owned most of the slaves in america not whites!

we should have no guilt


Deus Veult!

Ending white privilege begins with ending jew privilege.

That's the truth about racism.

Remember when Jesus said "The Lord rejected all the descendants of Israel; he punished them and gave them into the hand of plunderers, until he had banished them from his presence."

" <20> The Lord rejected all the descendants of Israel; he punished them and gave them into the hand of plunderers, until he had banished them from his presence."

At least you admit it

The Frankfurt School was funded by Jews

that school influences much of the 'cultural marxism' you hear today

not all jews are bad

but a lot of them are lol

infighting is rife amongst them though

Their brainwashing system entraps even its own people


I guess

I don't qualify myself as Christian inherently

I'm more of a deist

leaning towards PaGang but not totally

nah i do acid occasionly and psychs

i get it


i've taken DMT before

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