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Did university not interest you?

It amazes me how American universities somehow managed to become so expensive.

Still, here in England the situation isn't nearly as bad as the US.

The course I'd like to do offers one year in New England.

I may very well just about be the only working class person in the entire Boston College if I decide to go.

"Your Excellency! If there is one thing worse than drinking a bottle of Bourbon every morning before breakfast, then it is NOT drinking a bottle of Bourbon every morning before breakfast!"
- Hans Urs Von Balthasar writing to Bishop Fulton Sheen, September 24, 1962

No reason to do so.

Eat and enjoy your God-given nourishment three times a day.

I imagine there are a fair few folks in /rel/ who take it seriously.

Said folks also see themselves as 14th century monks, though.

Just donโ€™t be a monastic without holy orders.

So many laymen who LARP as monastics, and it pisses me off.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with discipline in your daily life.

But only to a certain extent.

Thereโ€™s been a rather bizarre raid on a Legio Christi post about Chik-Fil-A.

There are sodomites both condemning and defending Chik-Fil-A.

Itโ€™s fun when they are infighting.

You should never tell anybody to fast. Itโ€™s a personal penance/discipline.

I know somebody who changed their first name to Kimberly-Lynn.

There's a rather cringe-worthy undertone to that, for whatever reason.

I second this. Lutherans, come forth and prepare yourselves for the stake.

I'm not exactly sure if Enoch realises how ironic it is when he berates the Roman Catholic Church for supposedly bootlicking Jews and Muslims...

On the brighter side, I've just found out that I'll be visiting Prague next year. Today also happens to be St Wenceslaus' Day,which is a jolly coincidence.

I'm not baiting, merely pointing out the irony in your cheap quip.

Anyway, go like my page.

Sorry if I'm too late, but I can help.

>chilling on my laptop doing some work
>look at time
>oh boy, I had better hurry up, otherwise I won't get any sleep
>finish work
>ahh, that was quick
>look at time

I'm not tho

Aaaaaaaaand, I'm done.


I have no idea what to do with myself for an hour.

If I pray, I will just fall into a deep sleep.

If I read, I will feel mentally exhausted.

Had to sign for a delivery today, I got excited thinking it was my new tobacco, only for it to be a letter from the MoD asking me to send my five-year-old army cadet beret or get nicked for stolen valour.

I would hope they'd have better things to do, apparently not.

I mean, last time I checked, the Legio Christi forums had little to no posts for months.

No, and I don't plan to do so.

I'm just here for /rel/.

So, uh, she did some more dancing...

She is utterly demented, this woman.

Oh mercy, her introduction is even worse.

She doesn't realise how unfunny she truly is.

Eh, this speech is typical nonsense.

"REEEEEEEE, Labour bad, Tories good."

Well, that speech wasn't too dreadful.

Not much substance, but what can you expect from her?

Can an admin please do something about this thirty year old boomer?

An Anglican church (assumed to be a stolen Catholic church) contains a large children's play area, which I am informed is in use during Sunday Services.


"St James Church is possibly one of the most unusual Churches you will ever attend. Within our building we host not only the local Post Office, a cafe and a stationery shop but a large and very popular childrenโ€™s play centre. If you would like to know more about the work of The Sherriff Centre please do visit here.

On a Sunday morning we gather for worship and our style is traditional and reflective and our preaching progressive and consciously inclusive. We believe that we are all welcomed by God, and we respond to Godโ€™s invitation with prayer, worship and by our service of each other in the community in which we live."

Posted it to a group and now everybody is rushing to accuse me of photoshop, hahaha

Bluepilled Protestants are pathetic.

Nothing but pride is stopping them from converting.

They do. They're just too prideful to admit they've been wrong.

The fact that somebody would go as far as accusing another of photoshopping a blatantly genuine picture, as opposed to simply admitting their denomination (more like an ideology nowadays) has failed is utter pride.

Although, it's quite satisfying when you catch somebody in a lie.

>fragrant Rosary from the Vatican City
Boy, this joke writes itself...

There's a common joke amongst those in "the know" that when you go to Rome you can't escape the strong girlish cologne of the Lavender Mafia.

Looking at old photographs of my local town makes me feel rather upset.

How the great has fallen...

There used to be a small airport exactly 120m away from my house, for planes in WW2.

In true capitalist fashion, the Royal Air Force memorabilia was replaced with a golf-course.

Hard times created strong men.

Patriotic civilians, too.

<@&273567579946090498> I suspect this chap is an anti-Christian troll

Erm, you've banned me...

I've still not been let back in.

Sounds a tad frivolous.

You have to remember that the Host contains the real presence of Christ.

So when you describe that, you are describing our Lord.

Still, referring to our Lord as such can appear crass and un-thoughtful.

You should strive to improve upon that.

I recommend attending regular Eucharist Adoration, and devoting a significant amount of time to reading texts about the Blessed Sacrament from various saints and scholars.

That way, you'll be bound to hold the Consecrated Host in a higher regard, and will be more reluctant to speak frivolously about it.

Are you baptised?

Are you currently attending RCIA sessions?

Ah, good.

Well, thanks be to God. I will pray for you.

Where are you attending RCIA?

It's a very wholesome feeling when somebody blesses themselves on your bus when passing a Catholic church.

On another note, I've yet to be re-added to the Cult of Ichthys.



A very close family friend is being a little rascal in his first few weeks of secondary school.

He's doing surprisingly well academically, but he's being very vulgar around friends, and worse, towards girls.

And everybody's ignoring my pushes to send him to an all-boy's school.

He was raised by a single mother, he hasn't had a single male figure in his entire life.

I'm only 18 myself, his mother is too paranoid to let me take him out anywhere.

I really have no idea what to do.

Indians the most sensible folks in Britain? Most certainly not.

To be honest, I struggle to conclude the most sensible immigrant group in Britain.

No, they haven't integrated at all.

They only ever go to the Polish churches, Polish supermarkets, Polish cafรฉs, Polish restaurants.

Basically ghettoising themselves.

I mean, I'm sure Poland is fine, but if you're going to come to Britain, you should at least make an effort to become somewhat British.

I suppose the Western Europeans are the most decent, but can they be considered a proper immigrant group? They've been coming here for nearly 300 years.

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