Green Syndicalism

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@GoldenGail3 you realise i can just claim i got raped by an unknown?

so what? burgers increase risk of heart disease. do we ban burgers too?

its a retarded argument daddy

yea you can

its your choice to go vegan

do you think the government should force veganism?

yea but my point is how do you prove it was rape

i can just say i got raped by a stranger

even if it was my boyfriend

or ex boyfriend

or casual partner

to point out the absurdity of your solutions

policy solutions for abortion

you want to ban them except for X

im saying you cant even do that

@crypto fuck you must have down's syndrome

the point of the burger example is to illustrate an analogy of abortion's cancer risk relationship with the government

dense fuck

when did i say i enjoyed people dying?

bit of a strawman bud

of course i wouldnt

health risks should be regulated of course, but theres degrees to which it shouldnt

do you think burgers should be banned because they might eventually lead to heart disease?

of course you dont

someone should ban knok for being a dumbass

no but the question is WHEN

would you die for them when theyre a fetus?

or when theyre 5 years old

no its not

it literally isnt because fetuses have had far less development and your emotional attachment to them has had less time to develop

morons should be banned from debates LMAO

you're just hurting your side of the argument by speaking

fetuses arent people

no but you've already proved that you are

while its still in the womb

of course you do @GoldenGail3

yes it is daddy

thats how fetus is defined

what strawman

if its unborn, it is still a fetus

thats literally by definition

The composite of characteristics that make up an individual personality; the self.

how does a fetus have a personality

enlighten me

can a fetus survive outside the womb

wtf thats not what i did LMAO

my point is because you cant verify rape accusations, you cant regulate it on that basis. so just let them all have abortions @GoldenGail3

i tried and you didnt answer my follow up question daddy

@NobleBeing i dont really understand your question

could you maybe rephrase it

like a woman is giving BIRTH through c-section?

they take it out?

then put it back?

its already been born if they take it out of her and its living

so putting it back doesnt make it a fetus

if its been born through a c-section

then its not a fetus anymore

not really

the other part of the fetus definition is the developmental stage of it

fetus - an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind

so an abortion before its attained its structural plan is not a fetus abortion

some people have arbitrary denotations like "2 months"

fuck condoms

they make sex so shit

im a retard for wanting good sex?

@NobleBeing no one is denying that its living lmao

insects are living yet we dont regulate the act of squashing them

correction: im comparing fetuses to insects

@NobleBeing who cares if its alive? insects are alive and we all kill them everyday

im comparing FETUSES to insects

not all living beings are babies LMAO

fetuses are what?

so what?

they are living

but theyre not babies

yes if they survive outside the womb they will be considered a baby

@crypto do you deny that insects feel pain?

@gone buddy we're in the retard part of town, you cant say that here

same with fetuses

you can make that shit have a quickass death

@crypto so you cant actually deny the logic so you just say "really mannnn?"

you havent provided a single counterargument against the insect comparison. you admit they feel pain

so you actually accept my argument

im a psycho for wanting women to have a choice?

interesting but spastic

@crypto you're so dumb you cant even refute the analogy

avoiding the assertion again? nice

prove its a false analogy

or admit youre a dumbfuck

>cant prove its a false analogy
>implicitly admits to not only being dumb, but being wrong

my ex cut herself

but she did it in ways so that no one else would know

as her bf, i was the only person she ever told

is that attention seeking?

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