
Discord ID: 659834206297391105

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2020-01-17 04:26:24 UTC [The True Patriots #current-events]  

@MrBlack thanks for the clarification. It's easy to get hung up on things that may not always be what they seem.

2020-01-17 04:28:09 UTC [The True Patriots #current-events]  

It's a good reminder to practice old school info disiminstion and not rely on modern electronics exclusively.

2020-01-17 04:48:22 UTC [The True Patriots #current-events]  


2020-01-17 16:56:21 UTC [The True Patriots #general]  

Someone smarter than I should put together a list of locations that we can observe the rally, streaming, YouTube, whatever else is out there that the rally guys can use so those of us who can't be there can at least keep tabs....

2020-01-17 16:58:27 UTC [The True Patriots #general]  

I agree, I accidentally broke my own personal rule and did that yesterday. But I don't mean any type of fake news stuff I just mean actual video and sound of the rally itself.

2020-01-17 17:01:47 UTC [The True Patriots #general]  

Don't fuck up our 2a boog you Nazi fucks!

2020-01-18 01:09:12 UTC [The True Patriots #off-topic]  

@Itcilis i think see the chinese symbol for "I eat dicks' in that shield. How well you know your artist? ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜Ž
I'm fuckin funny... Just ask me!

2020-01-19 23:02:29 UTC [The True Patriots #gear]  

Well I'll be damned... I just learned hoplite armor is in my state!!!
Oddly enough in the most liberal town in my state... But still!

2020-01-20 14:17:52 UTC [The True Patriots #current-events]  

Is anyone actually hearing anything front he PD on the broadcastify app?

2020-01-20 14:22:07 UTC [The True Patriots #general]  

Some just wanna see the world burn!

2020-01-20 14:23:27 UTC [The True Patriots #current-events]  

Im hearing nothing but a few aid calls

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