Discord ID: 553744261485559823
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<:pepecoffee:511590628308811825> over 9000
i just realised my mood is the same throughout the whole day from the moment I wake up, unless something in-ordinary fucks up my mood
bruh FBI is onto officer
old news
so old i can see the rust in the metal
fake news
@GrizzlyGuerillaโโโโฝโโ grizzy unmute me
so now we get muted if we tell chad to fuck off
@GrizzlyGuerillaโโโโฝโโ blogging is a money maker, but you have to build up your blog for a year or 2 very good, so that you have an audience when you need to insert hyperlinks that are referal based
i studied a short course once regarding on how to make money online, and blogging was the way, it explained how "a blog website is like a coral oil refinery in the middle of the ocean, when it is first put there, it is empty underneath, but with time, coral starts growing, and fish start making that area their habitat, the same idea can be applied to a blog, it isn't much in the beginning, but as you keep adding VALUE into it, then eventually, people will go to it for the VALUE they are seeking, and that's when you can decide to put ads or hyperlinks with referals".
@xxxjxxx yes, and also YouTubers that review stuff.
small bloggers may make money from a couple ad placements using google, or a promoted post
but even big bloggers can make money using that method
thats why its wiser to build the blog first, then start putting ads or referal links etc later
that building
i hear buildings should be round, so the wind does not affect
too much
vilmer is blind lol
that's a good guy
fucking freezing in amerca right now
so many trolls
you officer vilshit are troll
@coyote2.0 same shit just few miles difference
dont have pic
i mean i have to be honest i stopped taking selfies in 2006
tbh i dont give a fuck if you post pic or not
i dont
i wont
vilmer is a girl
hot girl
shes a hot chick
i can already feel the attraction
in the dark
i dont even know whats happening right now, but i feel sick, and interested
@NotFox what was you saying about time ?
fuck yeah
not over the top though
bet she'd be fun to eat food with
maybe not
so dead in voice chat
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