G a b e גבריאל

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2019-07-25 18:42:41 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  


2019-07-25 18:42:48 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

it was okay

2019-07-25 18:45:02 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  


2019-07-26 06:32:17 UTC [The Right Cafe #qotd]  

No man can forgive their own sins

2019-07-26 06:32:21 UTC [The Right Cafe #qotd]  

that is entirely G-d's job

2019-07-26 06:32:57 UTC [The Right Cafe #qotd]  

It is entirely false

2019-07-26 06:33:01 UTC [The Right Cafe #qotd]  

even in a Jewish view

2019-07-26 06:33:07 UTC [The Right Cafe #qotd]  

the same for islamic views

2019-07-26 06:33:27 UTC [The Right Cafe #qotd]  

yo no hablo mucho espanol amigo

2019-07-26 06:33:48 UTC [The Right Cafe #qotd]  


2019-07-26 06:34:08 UTC [The Right Cafe #qotd]  

well as i was sayin in Torah it specifically says in Psalms that the Law of G-d is perfect

2019-07-26 06:34:13 UTC [The Right Cafe #qotd]  

and is w/out flaw

2019-07-26 06:34:58 UTC [The Right Cafe #qotd]  

No man can forgive you of your sins

2019-07-26 06:35:04 UTC [The Right Cafe #qotd]  

only G-d can

2019-07-26 21:40:52 UTC [The Right Cafe #qotd]  

To save its people and protect them wherever they may live

2019-07-26 21:40:59 UTC [The Right Cafe #qotd]  

as well as to maintain the traditions and ways of their people.

@Riley are you retarded

Jews reject such degeneracy

Reform movement isnt judaism

Well hear it from an observant Jew: we respect all nations

We respect their independence and peoplehood

We just want others to do the same for us

Traditionally this has not been the case

Well thats bullshit

I dont want to destroy anyone

Neither do Jews

This is just mindless polemics from people who simply hate us

Think bro


High key

Plus im half white myself

I respect indo-european peoples and nations

And their G-d given right to rule themselves


Same for all nations of man

I literally dont even know you nor do i push any agenda other then what everyone else here does who loves their people- independence and cultural survival

It is modernism in general that pushes such ideas down peoples throat

As for transgenderism, that is a mental illness (scientifically), which has various forms of treatment. Dosnt make you worth any less a human being

The same way other people, such as those with depressive disorders or anxiety disorders are not worth any leas because of their condition(s)


May i also make it clear that the few true ones are NOT from the objective portions of the talmud

But a commentary on the Mishnah

Called the Gemara

Which, ironically, in context, may possibly reffer to other semitic peoples rather than indo europeans

Since it was composed around pagan Arameans

@Riley That isnt universally accepted as a fact. Therapists and psychiatrists will still consider it a mental illness via the classification of a disorder

Technically ADHD is also a disorder

Again, unconnected to the worth of an individual

Natsocs would claim in their perfect, godly wisdom ofc to say that "anyone whom is imperfect weighs dont the nation and should die". Ironic, as the leader of German national socialism, Hitler, was himself, mentally ill, and physically behind his own claims of what a "perfect Aryan" is.

As a short, brown haired man

@el pebble The law is not abrogated, it is simply uninforcable in Judaism in the traditional means because the Sanhedrin does not exist as the Temple does not currently exist

@Riley The Tanakh is G-d's holy pure word

I know this question does not apply to me as a non-Christian

But i will say that I believe it is purest word of G-d and deserves all recognition- both the written and oral Torah

@Riley My G-d is far from evil

Believe what you may, the Law is His gnosis

To you perhaps


His fruits is my nation

Which lives til this day

Ammon deserved death

So did Amalek

Lol ok

Your problem not mine

Adonai is not the devil

Yeshua says so himself

Jesus aint some random guy but okay lol

So are you



To hold any particular view on anything by default you make a claim

This includes political positions

Nor is it an accepted Christian view that G-d, described in the Old Testiment is somehow not the same G-d of the New Testiment

@Redneck Rosteen As to not blaspheme His name

@el pebble Yes, just like the reality that Communism cannot honestly function w/out betraying its own principles.


And aye its on you

Im not pissin on you

No reason to do so to me

@el pebble the G-d of Abraham is no myth


The papacy eats benis


Orthodox ones are quite based

Despite me myself not being one


It is demonic indeed

The bishops individually hold more authority


Rome has no legitimate defence

The papacy makes literal idols

Statues of what is believed to be divine

And other graven images

Protestant and orthodox arguments against papal authority work actually

Since both believe bishops of the early church were equal

Just saying there isnt anything directly in the New Testiment reguarding church leadership after Peter and basic organization of the Messianica in Jerusalem

I recommend highly that you look up church fathers

Whom mention an equality of bishops

There isnt lol

Papists are rapists

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