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i personally don't like it

but maybe on skin the bats will look less silly idk

i wonder if anime themed lingerie is a thing

imagine u go in n theres ur girl standin with a coy smile on her face looking around sorta sneaky-sly-smug and her shoulders dancin around n she takes off her outer garments to reveal
a set of lingerie based on your favourite mecha series

there was a book written in arabic about the shapes of the letters

i forgot the name of the school
it had a whole metaphysics, a lot like kabbalah in some ways

anyone got anything on it?

is there any connection between the sound attached to a letter and the length it takes to draw the glyph?

anaconda wants to beat women but laments he's too afraid to do so 'because communism'

sleep during meditations and then waking up still meditating is like the strongest sleep

like 1 hour of meditation sleep is like a whole nights sleepworth
and sexual sleep is like half a night sleep

no i dont think he does it on purpose this is his legit opinions from the brainwashing

>everyone who isn't pro-capitalism is a communist


ahahah but that's the rhting dude

socialism =/= communism =/= totalitarianism

most of history has been loosely socialist tbh



this guy calls himself a libertarian capitalist and calls liberalism marxist

anaconda has literally no idea what any word means except what the capitalists tell him

t!wiki hitler on socialism

>calls other ideologies "shitty stoner philosophy"

this dude uniornically thinks im a commie
and his evidence is soemthing lenin says
even tho i already gave my own definition of socialism

anaconda death playbook:
1. call them commies
2. reentext
3. call them black and that you're whiter than them. post your half-nigger face

you hate a capitalist banker and infobroker for being... socialist?

remind again why i care about engels

idk where u get the idea i a) don't know this shit and b) care and c) that its relevant to anything

wow a political revolutionary writer was unemployed

marx didn't invent socialism

idk where u get the idea i'm a amrxist
i have my own theory of history

pretty sure he was a lawyer at some point
or maybe he dropped that when he got into political philosophy full time

i wish we had socialism so i could have a place and time to freely read and study and discuss german philosophy and the history of theoretical socialism

juche isnt socialism is it? i dont think they take foreigners anyhow

you literally asked for my definition

anaconda just discovered instagram and wikipedia and reddit and omg its the greasted and im so quirky cos i know about this libertarianism thing im so special

you spout mass production propganda and ignore basic argumentation ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

rich people have the power to make things better and deliberately use it to make things worse, they void right to life

anaconda is racist until his boss starts importing foreign labour and tells him to be tolerant, then he goes back to sucking their dicks and licking their boots

somehow i dobt that anaconda

more liekly if it did fall it was deliberate and he made a lot of money off it

socialism is communist cos the communist book says so - capitalist

where tf is that kike at these days

lmao marx wasnt based in judaism

he declared jews a problem

i know, i jsut don't care

everyone knows who engels is at like 13

and then they don't care at all past 14

righto, heres the thing, i don't care at all about marxism that much
theres no real reason to

maybe if i was a scholar of marxism i'd care

marxism is its own creature

marxism is own system of economic theories and historic theories and political theories

idk where u got this idea socialism was invented by marx

well capitalism bad is pretty obvious

idk what there definition is, i use my own

can u please repeat my definition?

righto its not like i actually gave an argument and i'm not the same as everyone else

reminder anaconda that jews love capitalism

remind me aagin how everyone gets richer under capitalism

this assumes a control-based rather than value-based economics

yeah except all the nazi socialists and such what about them

also remind me why i care about america

why do you care so much about whiteness when your both a) half nigger and b) pro-capitalism?

your hair and face-bones ain't aryan

i'm talking about the selfie he posyed

he fucking posted it AGAIN

and she said no
and her family presssured her to say yes and she still said no

god this is even uglier than that egg face yall used to spam

im avoiding looking at his face cos its so ugly tbh

neither can lolbertarians

i don't know where this mutt got the idea im commie from lmao

is reginald denny departure

commodity soul, plastic heart

hmmm u could use a 6x6x6 table to decide a random bone

idk why anaconda thinks hes so attractive
considering his other """ideas""" maybe hes just egotistical and deluded to any sort of self-critique?

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