vex is away

Discord ID: 644719387827240990

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dude i smoked tea and fucking died

it kills u bro its so bad for u

@Major Slow na dude i smoked 1 tea and literally died had to be sent to the er for heart and liver faliure dont smoke tea dude

@pierce go outside and get some dandelions then put them in a pot with water and boil it for like an hour then inject the liquid

@pierce boiling for sativa cool for indica

i made one for obama like a few months ago cause i was bored


actually im pescatarian but it basically the same

because i dont want to give up seafood




this is an art i made when i was dreunk

no thats just how my brain feels like there are creatures llittle rats in it crawling around and jumbling everything around and whispering voices niein to into my ear l/

ive been working on my skyrim mod shit since literally 3 am and it still not working

thats just going to be mushy and gross

boiled potato taste like baby food

@hejter naczelny, memiarz leave the server pls and thank we have enough attention craving roasties already

so is like 90% of the female population here

were you so high she looked white

i have drugs for breakfast every morning and before bed

maybe then youll stop being retarded

lmao it doesnt even sound like a girl

just some degenerate using voicemod

its not even funny just annoying that we have people here like this

id prefer actual retards rather then people just coming here for attention


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