
Discord ID: 141879656520482817

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Perhaps in the past a general strike would cripple the economy, but soon you can replace striking workers with a new machine.

Replacing workers with migrants is a short term solution.

Eventually they'll be automated.

This is true in Japan.

Migrant labour is much harder to find in Japan.

Why do you suppose so many of their services are automated?

In the long run, the class of non-owners will become wholly expendable.

I am a non-owner. I do not wish to be expendable.


People don't even know what Marx believed.


Let me rephrase.

Most people don't actually know what Marxism means.

Revisionists are Marxists insofar as Neoclassical economists are Ricardians.

Define Marxism for us, please.

What exactly is the argument of Marxism?

>believing in third way

Okay guys, this is just silly.

This is hard bait or delusion.

Let's find a different topic to discuss.

I don't believe in left or right.

That's a gross oversimplification that leads to childish analysis of actual political ideology.

Such is why people assume Tankies care about equality.

Why socdems are considered commies.

It's an infantile disease.

Socdems were reformist socialists at first.

Now they're literal liberals.

Reformist Capitalists.

Not nice but true.

They genuinely believe distributive taxation of wealth is socialism.


>Marxism is based on dialectical materialism

>non materialist marxism is marxism


'Fascism is anti-materialist dialectical materialism.'


Fascism is a reaction.

Most Fascists had their roots in socialism but ultimately rejected it.

They may seek a third way, but they only propagate Capitalism.

Marxism rejected Hegelian Idealism and the Hegelian State.

Fascism rejexted Marxist Materialism and went back to the Hegelian idealism.

Ergo Fascism is Marxist... Apparently.

How Fascism isn't Capitalism escales me.

It's a system of private property and individual labour with strong State oversight.

Capitalism refers to the mode of production.

If a Fascist state upholds private property, then it is Capitalist.

From a Marxist perspective, Fascism still maintains a Capitalist mode of production.

It may very well be a separate ideology, but the mode of production is still the same.

Capitalism and democracy is not hand in hand.

Marx also was not a historical determinist.

Democrats and Republicans are both shills


"What do we see today? At every recent election, the country puts me in mind of a jar of water/turn the jar and all the water comes out. One election, all the Democratic vote drops out and goes over to the Republicans; the next year all the Republican vote drops out and goes over to the Democrats."

Politicians are scummy, yes.

Politics in liberal democracy revolves around compromise and the selling out off voters to achieve power.

Believing in the promise of any politician is like trusting the snake not to bite you when you bring it across the river.

Most leftists outside of identity politics and liberals are anti-establishment.

Only reformist cucks genuinely believe change can come from within the system.

A system exists only to propagate itselfโ€”how then can you expect change?

You do not use the system to change; you change the system.

Politics is separate from everyday life because of the way things are.

People's agency is removed and transferred to obscure delegates and representatives.

True democracy ought not be impractical because it regards practical matters.

Only by making politics the matter of elected officials convening in Congress to debate and cast votes does it become impractical for democracy to be all encompassing.

>whites are less corrupt except when they're corrupt, in which case they're not white


I'll accept the thesis after it's been peer reviewed.

It looks like the Slavs are less inbred than the Western Europeans, and yet more corrupt.

I'm using the image you're citing.

Just scroll up.

Even Canada is portrayed as more inbred than America, though it's less corrupt.

I don't want to be that guy.

But please.

It's is a contraction of "It is."

Its is the possessive pronoun.

The key core of socialist mode of production is social ownership of the means of production, *not* planned vs market allocation.

Planned allocation is the mainstream interpretation, but not the only one.

Models of collective, cooperative, and public ownership exist.

>Marxism is materialist
>Leftism is solipsism

Then Marxism must not be leftist.

TIL, I guess.

>the development of materialism leads to solipsism


Hot takes, lads.

Man the harpoons.

Marxism rejected Hegelian idealism, but clearly he must still be Solipsistic.

Don't forget Lenin's New Economic Policy, XRB shill.

Marx agreed with Hegel's dialectic, but firmly rejected his idealism, his concept of state, etc.

You're at this point shoveling Hegel's ideas at us and trying to convince us it's Marxist.

As are many words engineers use,

But guess who designs systems and technology?

Not most people.

Most people aren't well versed in politics in general,

But they're still mobilized to vote for one or the other big party.

>talking about the left to us


But which shipgirls?


I want my Battleships.

Would you let Tirpitz crush your head between her thighs? @[Imperialist Loli]

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