
Discord ID: 390728919365582859

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you want to be a slave

this is a dream. will never happen

what we anarchists believe is simple. 1st, man is free. next, to live a fullfilled life man must have their basic needs met, plus fully realize and express themselves through their creativity and work, which they should control and not perform under order or coercion

its that simple

no MLs are authoritarians

let me ask you something

are you a materialist?

does that conflict with islam?

arent you the guy who said youre lebanese or something?

youre not muslim?

islam is not materialist

how is it?

i see

how can you dismiis all the misery and mass death? do you just blame the imperialist dogs?

why did they starve?

yes stalin slowed down collectivization

your definition is the state controls it

ppl who seek power through the state will seek to maintain it through violence and power, ie lenin, stalin

see the purges, gulags, re-education, killing of politcal enemies, etc

i dont know the answer to that question

the ussr wanted to industrialize. why?

there you go

you're aware of the peasant revolts during collectivisation right?

are you aware of them yes or no?

see you're repeating ussr propaganda. saying those peasants were "starving people", and they were "capitalist criminals"

"enemies of the party"

lol affluent peasants. nice one

thats my new favourite

is that like a blind racecar driver?

why the need for rapid industrilization? your answer is "because it was a swamp"

im afraid that answer is insufficient

look we will have to leave it there for now

need to sleep

cool, night comrade. you commie scum

lol jk

never stop posting

stalin killed everyone loyal to him

another ancap?

can you MLs recommend any youtube channels?

you dirty commies

i enjoy cuck philosophy...not sure if he is ML

isnt jason anarchist?

check out his page

is finnbol jason? same person?

fuck yea. just like me

expect not so much on the comm

oh isnt that guy like pro dprk or something?

or he's a maoist or something like that?

did he lose the debate to the anarchist?

whats his channels called?

theres also philosophy tube, not sure what his politics are....and that libertarian socialist guy....and then finnbol....and ...

whats idpol

yea he has a hard on for antifa

but honestly do you think an ML can win a debate against chomsky? lets be real...

.i disagree

havent seen it yet

chomsky is tha based god

you mean national socialism?

there's actually a national socialist youtube channel that i enjoy....

yup lol

he's very informed

props to him

read heiddegar

yea his videos are long format and very detailed

havent looked at his channel in a while. does he have new content?

cool he has a video on thomas sankara

do one on sankara

i think he was a commie

u racist

wheres the video of jason debating sargon


who wins

in your opinion

which subreddits do you check out?

im banned from there

why mao? why not stalin?

but you're a maoist...

what podcasts do you guys listen to?

lol how are they like the daily shoa?

if anything they are opposite

maybe you're thinking of cumtown

they dont use any slurs

what do you mean "they are like daily shoah", do you mean theyre racist?

third, you're in favor of prison labor?

what does that mean?

"e-celeb movementarians" doesnt even make sense

they never claimed to be

and dril

thats kind of a weird take to think prison labor is ok....weird

yea but they admit to being bourg, they dont deny it

says who

you? lol

also, eternal - are you alt right or something?

thirdworld do you support slavery?

well, you're using terms like kike, and you mentioned the daily shoah, so im guessing youre an MDE fanboi

thirdworld are you homophobic?

ah, i knew it.

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