
Discord ID: 318192034227814401

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Maggots birthed from the void

Either that or those flies are gay now.

yo momma so fat she need the whole territory

This floor sugar tastes rather queer

Cuz I gotta sweet toof

A gay person molested me in order to reproduce another gay


Anyone wanna help me playtest my D&D puzzle?

@syz awesome, okay let me set the scene

@syz So the party walks through a stone door, as the door opens there’s a loud boom that shakes the room. When you go in you see 9 shelves set together in a square formation. 1 statue is in the center that says “Exotar” (one of the gods in the game) and there are 8 other statues laying on the ground. The door closes behind you and is magically sealed, and the room begins to fill with poisonous gas. The puzzle looks like this:

@syz nothing happens

@sky daddy 9 statues, the shelves, and two sealed doors

@syz Nothing happens

@sky daddy An eerie glow that seems to emanate from the stone walls themselves

@syz it clicks into place

@syz I think you’ve got the idea now

@syz I’ll be giving the players 1 minute in real time until they have to make saves against poison

Yeah not too hard but not immediately obvious

Well thank you for the playtest, wanted to see how fast someone could figure it out

Welp this makes 4 puzzle rooms so far

I think I want 7

The last one is going to be hilarious

@BB Most schizos can walk yknow

don't be stoopid

Designing a dnd adventure

It’s the necropolis now

Fucking metal

There’s a foot of snow and I’m locked in a room with a bottle of schnapps

Do some fuck boi

Ironically a mostly Christian creationist Gypsy colony ay

Yuh mum 125 F

Nigga said yah mum an Einstein-Bose Condensate

She so ugly she can slow down photons

I’ll eat yur bb

Fine, but that’s incest cannibalism

Worse than either by itself

Huzzah to my drunk brothers

Mfw Discord is also circle jerking incel ratnest

Still drunk, fuck you, to nobody in particular

Lame, bein stoned sux

Drunk > buzzed > unconscious > sober

Yeah why rate psychedelics to other shit

Tfw I actually trip on weed

Massager smell like shit fml

Ey fuckopolis

This server is very euphoric

Imagine being both gay and boring

Ah, avant-garde lonely, not traditional

someone posted barfing pufferfish

was probably makin that noise from the webm like 6 seconds in

Careful democrats don’t use that as their new slogan. “2020 will be better”

_it won’t be better_


Oh... hope not. Then again, not my mom, so.

Who is “you”?

“Odd, when my heart was doing that I was also having a dream about being a rodent”

Would like to fug and coom Inna Templar helm


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