
Discord ID: 293198664254357506

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"hey guys i cant convince someone being a dog in public is wrong please help"

that couple was optical

imagine hanging our with friends and you just talk about discord


yea south of the equator


hes probably the whitest dude in botswana or some shit

if you look at the advancement of civilization, time doesnt pass at all in africa

2020-12-10 20:22:26 UTC [t.me/morbbasedzoomers #memes]  

>shows a photograph

2020-12-10 20:22:30 UTC [t.me/morbbasedzoomers #memes]  



Robert William or Alexander or Rudolf will be my first sons name



ill bring a bulldozer

2019 Volvo A40F troop transport

they hate us

or men could stop being faggot simps

dont see how censorship will solve that

ok gavin

so punk dude



damn bro just pass a law saying you have to be a good father

read rjs message

its unlikely legislation will fix culture

porn is a symptom is what im getting at

i think banning porn isnt the best way to combat the deep seeted immortality in society

wouldnt care either way just dont think its an effective policy

parents could raise their children right instead

just dont let your kids watch porn

pretty simple


im college aged i dont think i could be indoctrinated by a professor


if youre 20 and some lecture makes you into a whore you were already a whore

i think it's already engrained if college makes you a whore

@gaymorb2 nice name lmao

Tim the fed


me too soon

42 hours this week

it should be legal to shoot drivers who break the law in front of you

some fag shot the gap goin 85 when im driving a 9000lb service van

that too

castle doctrine should apply when someone is going slow in the passing lane

being on your phone while i pass you violates the NAP


skinpost everyone

nick took "gamer" out of his twitter bio im leaving the movement

kms gets fagjew role

something called the "hall of cost" must be terrifying for jewish people




kill him now

post your afro dude



literally anyone can get mod if they're wignat enough

expect a lot of bans

idk what you expected

great move annoying the most ban happy dude in the server

you're like the nick fuentes of being gay and retarded

reddit tier name to boot

tell me how the barcade is this weekend

bud light is like making love in a canoe

its fucking close to water

tastes like if the sewers were made out of bread

im just being mean now

but honestly expect to get banned if you piss of joe or kaiser

idk what to tell you discord mods are discord mods, even in racist esoteric shitposting servers

boss just called me and told me im doing good

whitepilled again

its a woman

idk if shes my boss shes my dispatcher

like she finds jobs and shit

my actual boss likes me less because he has to approve all the fuckin OT i charge


myself usually

heavy diesel

a lot

generators, marine, construction, industrial

heavy haulage, mining, grading

trained in power systems and marine but im doing field service for electronics on all our models

i do ok for a 19 year old

my dream is to work trains and ships

nah bro im dead stupid

went way over on a job today

because they told me it had one system when it had another which sounds trivial but it was rough

even better if i can get it done in time lmao

go to the local oreilly's and talk about black crime rates

political connections?

join local gop

find local groypers

which is something im incapable of

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