Dead Sausage

Discord ID: 270673675030757386

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Itโ€™s like the twilight zone, but more cum

I know those bastards are inside my house

Theyโ€™re too much of a pussy to do anything about it

I like to spread salt mixed with piss around my house

Pisses the skinwalkers off to no end

Any reality is your reality as long as you believe so

Reality itself is an individualistic concept anyhow

Degeneracy isnโ€™t very hard to accomplish

Homosexuality is inherently a poor life decision

The worst thing you can be is unoriginal

Iโ€™d imagine people here have enough to level this place up

Ainโ€™t most people here shut ins anyways?

They got a shit ton of disposable income

Then whereโ€™s the banner?

Height donโ€™t fuckin matter

The internet is a boring place

Donโ€™t say anything about your personal life online

You gotta be especially fucked if you actually think my real name is Richard

Nigga thatโ€™s from Devil May Cry

Pretend to be a Nazi in a jewish server

Some nazi hunter douchebag will dox you

You ever get the sensation to just lick the salt lamp in your room?

Thereโ€™s one cat that attempts to steal the birds off my balcony

And they donโ€™t even got any meat on them

The fuck am I supposed to do with them?

Boiled piss does not turn piss into normal water

Scum can be found pretty easily on here

Very few people on here arenโ€™t scum

The constant smell in my apartment keeps me awake

Only on rare occasions do I pass out, which I donโ€™t consider sleep

My body tells me when itโ€™s ready for something

The only real drug on this planet is volition

Had a kid who was caught masturbating in my school

Wouldnโ€™t it suck to be the kid who was called out for jerking off in English

I remember in Sped Ed there was a group of kids who beat up the naked jocks in the gym showers

The jocks were able to run away

Iโ€™ll accept you if you piss into full coke bottles, but if youโ€™re a pedophile you gon get raped

I saw a midget get dropped kicked in ninth grade

The worst thing a server can be is boring

But that only depends on the populace

We should partner with the King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard discord server

But weโ€™re more entertaining

The roblox niggas all follow the same shitty ideas and topics

Least we have different ideas here

I can call someone on here a faggot and if theyโ€™re smart, theyโ€™ll just call me a faggot back

If you call someone a faggot anywhere else, youโ€™ll get shit on

I canโ€™t fuckin stand reddit

Sold my refrigerator to buy a microwave

Now microwave broke because piss

Bitches wit the titties go *bum bum bum*

Niggas in da back ( niggas Niggas in da back )

Niggas in da back ( niggas Niggas in da back )

Niggas in da back ( niggas Niggas in da back )

VC is for homosexuality approval

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