
Discord ID: 251568360855175169

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one man's genius is another man's fucking moron

except ~~I made~~ sorry I mean "I pulled from the internet"

I made implies that you produce anything of value

I am shit talking after I made my points

and after I was shit talked

"do you do anything other than shit talk"
"you're autistic"

do you do anything but drip hypocrisy?

and you're a simple person who has nothing interesting to say

it's just the truth

no no

its the truth

not shit talk

projection is a psychological phenomenon where a guilty person will project their guilty conscious and motives on another person

so if you are saying its projection then you admit hypocrisy


anyway its funny how online edgelord teenagers pretend to be scholars

and then they are like

"wuh how are you gonna say I have no idea what I am talking about, PROVE ME WRONG that the government doesnt mind control hypnotize everyone with flouride in the water"

like dude

you're too dumb to explain basic shit to

well where do I start

what do they teach in 6th grade hmm

do you know about mesopotamia and sumeria?

the oldest civilizations we know of?

I am just thinking of how to build up a child to make them ready to understand basic information

what points

you think that's clever

but the last 30 mins was literally me saying that bruce should prove what he claimed

so I was never making a point

I was asking for the evidence of the global jewish conspiracy

dumb people have slow uptake


he cant prove it anyway

he has no idea what he is talking about

the first time I said global jewish conspiracy was right now

and I was being hyperbloc


try again bud


you called me a jew like 30 times

if that doesn't make you look like an ignorant bigot with no point I dont know what does

I dont think you know what hyperbolic means

hyperbolic would be calling me orthodox if I was reformed

but lol now we're talking about jewish sects and that's basically irrelevant to you

too much information

what we need to know is jews r bad

whites r gud

that's fine but that wasn't bruce's point

bruce's point that jews are a serious threat


an exaggeration of a non jew isnt a jew


that isnt how exaggerations work

its like when a toddler runs up and punches you

hey cmon little buddy

cut it out

"what antisemitism"

bruce you hold a nigger mentality ๐Ÿ˜‚

as in

your IQ seems to be 80 or so



oh are you really




I am parodying your racism


is that right

so if you think I am a piece of shit for equating you to nigger intelligence then you might wnat to look in a mirror

isnt it funny to everyone here how racists, who take most pride in their culture's achievements, are on balance the most worthless and least productive members of society

it's almost like it's protective mechanism ๐Ÿค”


well bruce

what have you accomplished

what do you produce for white society

that I can thank you for

so far I've seen your ignorant shitposts

so we have that

have you given us anything else?

you're up next


what do you do for white society

what can I thank you for

so here we have 2 worthless non-producers

who are adversarial to other races


that's evidence right there


reprehensible I assumed not answering is you failing to have anything to answer with

or have you actually produced something of value for white society

what can we thank you for

are you guys literally just teenagers who have never done anything in your lives? ๐Ÿ˜‚

too funny

exactly what I calimed



"I live with my parents and they give me allowance"

you're not rich

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