
Discord ID: 165297490512314368

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James Allsup banned

Red Elephants next

Any of you watch VertigoPolitix? It's pure fuel.

Yea, done

VertigoPolitix has a mirror channel still. By FAR the best out there

Some whore just told me I have no problems in life because I'm a white male

If you look beyond "ze hOlOcAuSt" , national socialism has a lot of great benefits for a homogeneous society. Then again I still prefer the true American model which we have unfortunately strayed away from over time.

A homogeneous population is required for a thriving nation, there are no long lasting and successful nations throughout history who put diversity first

Asians and whites can coexist peacefully within the correct ratios and guidelines

I believe Africans must only live amongst each other as they seem to only produce negative outcomes in literally all areas of life within a host nation

Arabs are alright honestly

Have to weed out the wahabbists

I have a shia Iraqi employee and he's a hell of a guy

However, I wouldn't want my country comprising of 30% of his kind

Islam grew out of Judaism

I'm not wrong

All abrahamic religions

Islam is older than christianity

By far

Christianity is essentially Judaism 2.0 with the sin being placed on a different entity

And over time has become more "adjusted" for western cultures

Japan doesn't have anywhere to get away to like we do which sucks

No great plains or uninhabited lands to really vacation and escape to


We should only call national socialists who are true believers, Nazi's. Nazi itself is a slang terminology.

Most upper income liberals are nazis.

They stay on their homogeneous bubble while working at the top of their industries with heavy government influence and regulatory takeover

Same principle as a national socialist

I think we can all agree it's silly and inappropriate to call anyone a Nazi in 2019. The word itself is only associated with negative connotations of authority, harm and evil

The issue is that the word is now associated with other words such as: white, american, conservative, trump supporter, Republican, etc

Exactly ^^^

Shes a woman though so she wouldn't understand a logical point of reasoning to counter her emotional claims

Religion of peace and prosperity

She actually works at the NGO office that fundraises for doctors without borders, some climate change thing and other communist front organizations

Cute girls there but vehemently brainwashed by communists.

Nah the car sticker and that she bangs all her male coworkers

Shes laid it on me a few times and ehhhhh pass on commie tang

Uhhh, vagina

It truly is

What other YT channels do you all watch

Search VertigoPolitix

Theres a mirror channel called OoloogahOracle

Watch all of them. The videos break down everything beautifully

He used to coopt with way of the world as well on things

The "who said it and how it was said" argument is a absolutely a pile of horse cum

I grew up in Atlanta and let me tell you, they call each other that like it's their first name but will literally burn down their entire section 8 housing block and shoot the mail man if a white person were to call their cousin that word "in the same context"

Good goy

Hopefully you've learned about thought crime and true racism

Basically. The entire city is run by them, funded by whites and destroyed by them in return

Being a white working male in the Western world feels like being a pack mule carrying apes up a mountain towards food and shelter all while being berated and beaten along the way to go faster

KAC SR15 is best, change my mind


Fuck Tim Pool

Tim is a mess. A 33 year old manchild who can't even accept the fact he has hair loss

"The leftists have lost their minds and are literally terrorists" but I'll still vote for Andrew Yang because orange man said mean things

The ultimate beta

The beanie is to hide his bald head

He looks 40 with it off lmao

I'll give him this, he does admit there's a full-on Civil War coming. He's not wrong about that.

Normies who say otherwise are completely delusional.

^^^ current situation

It's not ok to be white in case you didn't know

Our mayor is a communist and an enemy of this nation

Keep an eye on your local politicians

^^^ fantastic video


Hes a self proclaimed socialist running for office in NC

He's a communist through and through

I thought the picture of him was hilarious since it portrays the exact kind of person who would live by those talking points

Is 26


Some canadian communist in voice chat this morning lulz

Apparently if we just give people money they'll turn into 1st world citizens

Had no idea

Walked into the gym, sorry bro

If we just give them more money they'll behave

I just need to give more

It's all my fault

They'll stop committing crime as soon as that happens

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