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2019-12-13 03:47:09 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

All of the good isekai anime have focused on a smaller, extreme aspect
Grimgar went very dark and deep into the reality of death and losing people
Konosuba went parody and examined the quirks of arbitrary systems and bad party members
Re: Zero analyzed the responsibility of entering a real alternative world and the reality of a save-point mechanic
Overlord studies sociopathic behavior, power-fantasy, villain players, social and hierarchical expectations and so on

2019-12-13 03:48:01 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

SAO covers kind of _all_ of them down the sort of archetypal 'im in a video game and if you die, yoi die for real' route
However, it does it _badly_

2019-12-13 03:48:22 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

It basically drops it in favor of power fantasy after episode, like

2019-12-13 03:48:25 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

5 or 6

2019-12-13 03:48:32 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

I have not watched log horizon

2019-12-13 03:48:55 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  


2019-12-13 03:49:42 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

I think the premise is what fundamentally draws people to SAO
The _premise_ is the _one thing_ that SAO nailed

2019-12-13 03:50:41 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

It set it up so well in the first episode that many people initially _thought_ it was good for a while
Until we looked back and realized its problems were telegraphed from the first episode

2019-12-13 03:51:24 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

I really want to see a well-done vanilla isekai one day

2019-12-13 03:52:17 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Hopefully all of the niche and deconstructive and subversive ones will help to refine the genre to aid in that becoming a realized

2019-12-13 03:53:39 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Berserk is
I have only watched/read _one_ other piece of Japanese media that I consider to be even a candidate to be in the same _league_ as Berserk

2019-12-13 03:55:02 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

I am not familiar enough with dostoevsky to recognize those parts

2019-12-13 03:55:36 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

It is also cool the sheer amount of historical references that was included in Berserk

2019-12-13 03:56:21 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

An amazingly high number of the buildings and designs he ripped straight out of European architecture and art
Several of the castles are almost perfect replicas

2019-12-13 03:56:45 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Also, Dark Souls was _heavily_ influenced by Berserk, so you would

2019-12-13 03:57:11 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

What is what, Engineered

2019-12-13 03:58:55 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

I mostly know of Nietzsche broadly, not directly
I am currently on a bucketlist of works of myth, culture, history, philosophy and religion
Currently on the Iliad
Nietzsche and Dostoevsky are both already on my to-do list

2019-12-13 03:59:37 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Was that a
3d Senko?

2019-12-13 03:59:42 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

What did I just watch

2019-12-13 04:00:37 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Also, Dark Souls (1) is my favorite video game
2 and 3 are not even contenders for my top list

2019-12-13 04:01:07 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

The framerat loss

2019-12-13 04:01:11 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  


2019-12-13 04:01:29 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

The worst part? My ps3 was not hooked up tonthe internet

2019-12-13 04:01:38 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

I have rhe same hierarchy

2019-12-13 04:01:58 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

So my dark souls was before even the first patch

2019-12-13 04:02:18 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Meaning that I got like 2/3 of the souls per kill of later patches

2019-12-13 04:02:28 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

And humanity was a finite resource

2019-12-13 04:02:35 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

And no summons

2019-12-13 04:02:54 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

_I had a rough tine_

2019-12-13 04:02:58 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  


2019-12-13 04:03:11 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Yeah, my list is painfully long already ;-;

2019-12-13 04:03:15 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

So much to read

2019-12-13 04:04:42 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

After Dark Souls, Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask
The only other contender (off the top of my head) is Dragon's Dogma

2019-12-13 04:07:52 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

I have read part of one Tolstoy book with an accompanying bit of context supplied
What a read
It was taken out of his Confessions, I think

2019-12-13 04:09:47 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Hardest in what regard?

2019-12-13 04:11:33 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Guess what selenite is?

2019-12-13 04:11:53 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

_A crystal salt_

2019-12-13 04:12:07 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

It is literally a salt, ahaha

2019-12-13 04:13:23 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

I have read a _little_ Nietzsche firsthand
Like, half of a chapter out of one book
While I do not know if I was losing anything in translation, I found it pretty straightforward to understand

2019-12-13 04:14:42 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Tbh I barely understand British politics since I am unfamiliar with their terminology
All that I am getting out of this is that things are going badly for the commies and seemingly good for Brexit

2019-12-13 04:15:28 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

_Down with the EU_

2019-12-13 04:17:27 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

_Sounds like communism to me_

2019-12-13 04:29:26 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Speaking of comrade Rudolph, has anyone else watched Devon Stack's latest video

2019-12-13 04:34:12 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

@D3bug_logic They already have been with Brexit

2019-12-13 04:46:13 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Jews _do_ run the media, although I doubt that is the reason for their losses
At least here in the U.S., idk about in Britain

2019-12-13 15:57:57 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Is that screenshot of actual, canonical in-game dialogue

2019-12-13 15:58:32 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

"Fuck every working class" about sums it up

2019-12-13 15:59:24 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Man, I played that game. I did _not_ remember that line, oof

2019-12-13 16:10:46 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]

2019-12-15 04:27:36 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

A friend once had me sit down and watch Steel Angel Kurumi with him
Quite a watch, that was

2019-12-16 16:27:15 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

In response to that sequel meme
No, TFA was not a good movie that they dropped the ball on
TFA was such garbage that it was literally the thing that inadvertently lead to me getting redpilled
I went searching to see if anyone else found it iffy. I did not keep up with politics or current events and that was lead me to find channels discussing the cancer of feminism which lead to politics, race realism and history

2019-12-17 03:38:43 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Yeah. Nero was insane, not necessarily _evil_

2019-12-17 03:39:01 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Nero was the one who declared war on Poseidon, right

2019-12-17 03:39:31 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Had the army chuck stuff into the sea, declared it victory?

2019-12-19 04:04:02 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]

2019-12-19 04:09:19 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

@Spooky Melon Which one? The emotionally absent dad?

2019-12-19 04:10:34 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Yes, I know that single mothers are terrible

2019-12-19 04:12:05 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]
Troodon, the PirateToday at 2:57 PM
Makes your baguette hard, no?

2019-12-19 23:29:20 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

@Thundermark I have been, yes

So I watched the first two episodes of the Netflix Witcher series thus far
Take this with a dose of salt as I have neither played the games nor read the books.

Henry Caville has carried Geralt quite well thus far. His acting is convincing (for what little I know of the character) and his scenes have been decently to well-written. His choreography is cool and at least _looks_ plausible and is definitely performed well by Caville, although not always clearly visible and his extensive use of a longsword in reverse-/icepick grip is very questionable.

Everything else is passable at best and most of that is on the lower end of passable.
Every fight scene _other_ than Geralt's has been mindless at best. There was a massive battle in the first episode and both sides immediately broke formation to randomly charge and engage in a chaotic melee. One royal got sniped by an archer (also not buying that someone could reliably snipe such a small target at that distance with the draw weight of medieval warbows; also, the presence of burgeonets coupled with an absence of firearms is highly suspicious) in his unhelmeted face to which the other distraught royal responds by _removing her own helmet_ and weeping.

||The diversity quota is less than I feared, although it is definitely there. Four black people and counting, although only one is definitely one of any importance with one other possible important character. However, a Sub-Saharan African elf makes precisely 0% sense, especially given that the show itself has established that elves are indigenous to this clearly-European continent and predominantly Caucasian-like.
There have also been a few characters whose ethnicity I really was unclear on. Middle Eastern, Indian, perhaps one of the Caucasian-Mongolian-peoples that live along the steppes and edges of eastern Europe, or a cross-breed? Idk. While the bulk of the cast is still white, there is enough artificial diversity to notice.||

The acting aside from Caville's is passable, although generally not anything spectacular. Only one other character's writing thus far has gotten me invested whatsoever and even they not enough that I would likely bother without Geralt.

2019-12-21 14:02:17 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]

2019-12-22 14:44:35 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

In regards to the swords conversation earlier
The shape of katanas is naturally conducive to aiding in edge alignment. The slight curve and relatively wide and particularly stiff blade appreciably helps in striking at an angle that actually cuts well as compared to hitting at an off angle that significantly diminishes the pressure applied or even just folds or bounces off. This does indeed make them a very beginner-friendly sword.

Note, though, that the design of katana only became codified rather late on and was vaguely interchangeable with related swords like tachi for much of its lifespan. The degree of their curvature varies as well, although generally never enough to increase the surface are of the blade to produce the increased slicing effect that you get on implements such as shamshir.

2019-12-22 14:45:04 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Longswords are not primary weapons. Longswords are also side-arms.

2019-12-22 14:47:33 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Katanas were good weapons for the context in which they were used and designed for. One of the features that gets brought up perhaps too little is the emphasis on quick drawing of the katana to the point of using the draw _as_ an attack (there is even an entire school completely oriented around this technique and situation) .

2019-12-22 14:49:56 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Also, double-bladed swords are outright more difficult and time-consuming to produce than single-edged ones. The blade geometry of double-edged blades is far more delicate in production than single-edged

2019-12-22 14:50:29 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Wait, does Eastern Orthodoxy celebrate Christmas on a different day?

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