
Discord ID: 116697748283195401

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@Marushia Dark when is the definitive absolute point at which a human becomes sentient

If a human isnt close to a human is it human?

How do we see mirrors if our eyes arnt real

Also how can you make a festus take a turning test? Shove a computer up some cunt's vagina?

Does each egg and sperm count as human or only when combined?

It would be immoral to make a Muslim live by the rules of a jew and vice versa

It would be better to find the common ground between and go from there

I think roman Catholics will burn in hell for their opulence but I dont go around putting my 1578 points on my local cathedral

Mommy you arnt making nearly as good an argument as you think you are

Not in new york your not @Scale_e

You got your fish killing license, did you measure your fish, have you released 4 of your last 5 fish, IWISH you could just go out and kill fish

Suicide should be punishable by death

The thing about assisted suicide is that it complicates consent in therm of invalid and those unable to understand the extent of their actions

You can get any retard to sign on a line, if after a bad car crashes your golddigging whore of a wife consents to an assisted suicide to end your suffering is it mirder?

What do you all mean by personhood?

@Marushia Dark so in that case if we legal make one not a person. It is fine to strip their rights

@Win Roe we cannot remove personhood if we arnt agreed on what it means to be a person

What does it mean?

I guess what I'm trying to get at is that is personhood a purely legal term or an agreement society, are Jews in the third Reich people if the government denies their personhood?

So people have the inherent right to personhood, but aborting a baby is fine because it's not a person, but how do we determine what is a person without relying on their inheramt right to personhood

STFU mother

Go be edgy elsewhere

I just got a cut from all that edge

Every law a politician make doesn't effect them because they are above the laws

Because the homeless will freeze to death in the streets and jam the snow plowes.... I remember that day vividly

Hit me with that edge one more time baby

The only Latin I know is Carthago delinda est

Maybe the west should die

Baba do I have to bring up how you dont believe in Chinese civilization before communism again?

Baba is the joke

Who makes the machines but the bourgeoisie

Baba you are the apex communist apologist, what do you think if the people who died in the great leap fowards

Yeah it was the kulaks fualt

Besides Russia didn't have a civilization before communism right @BabaBooey

Neet bucks ftw

I think baba blocked me, how sad I liked pointing out how he doesn't believe in Chinese civilization

You can either cry and complain
Or get left behind
Capitalism is the future

Let's invent a suicide booth so baba can meet his hero mao zedong

Baba is the useful idiot Marx talks about

Bezos can pay people with guns to kill them, new jobs

It's like you forget that the bourgeoisie can defend themselves

No I'm just gonna roll over at let my family die and get raped because I'm rich

Baba how do you think war lords gain power? It isnt the warlord dying for money it's his soilders

Baba supports anything communist, from genocide to starvation

Baba would be the first reactionary killed by the communists

I'm baba I support the idea of police just not any actual police

@BabaBooey babaif the government doesn't have a monopoly on violence then it's just mob rule, I can go to your house steal your shit and kick your ass because I have the FORCE to do so

Hey im baba i want to overthrow the facist state, thats why i trust everything they say!

@BabaBooey ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ

i doubt hes gonna respond if you at him

Im not here to offer suggestions im here to bitch and moan

just like a leftist

shit that does look funky, Imgur is only good as a image hosting site and not a network itself

glad i left last year, i used to post alot of shit there

wait baba is gone?


all the changes youtube is making, it seems like its gonna be impossible for anyone to start a new channel on youtube

i kinda wanna try what SFO and scrump where talking about and see how all these youtube fuck ups would effect a new channel

@Okbuddyretard does that mean you can speak mexican?

my money, fuck taxes

your optimism is saddening

Yeah but the sign not pictured says if you walk out you lose your job

Prenup niggas

Take that dave

No, catgirls count extra

<:hypersmugon:544638648721604608> <:pepegun:588019479401726001> <:ahegao:462286952335671296>

No bake cake bakery

No bake cakes dont need an oven, but it's still a bakery because you sell cakes

Idk, say oven mess up your chakra and charge 10x

Put some Crystals in the cake and sell it to hippies

Make stacks

If we're lucky it will kill a few of them

Tide flavored

Alright so I unironically believe that the us populace should have legal access to any and all us military equipment,

Fuck the full auto ban

Gib me my thompson idgaf

Well Suzy is a broke whore and could only afford a pistol, even if open to the larger market full auto and heavy weapons would be expensive, restricting the sale in an organic way

Husband, with a name like suZy?

Maybe susie or susan

I just want americans to have a fair shot when it's time to take it to the tyrants...

Good luck fixing it

And remember it's the biggest fuck up of your life so far

Oof, good luck

Laughs in prodistantism

Ok B**mer

Cant get divorced if you never get married in the first place ~ Black people

Found this something is missing

Starting to look better...

Just dont say the fuck word in you pregnant elsa's video

It because you stripped the mo arches of power, if only you let the monarchists win the civil war

I got danks sub the the chicks

With dicks

I have a mustache and still have a girl, anyone can, its self confidence (real or not)and just relaxing around women that works

Me too, I grew a mustache and now the daily routine of grooming myself has built up a good amount of self confidence, I used to just let my hair do whatever and not care, but now the routine makes me view myself in a better light

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