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To the revolutionist larping college kids, he's a symbol of hope and 'freedom' from 'evil capitalism' that asks them to actually be useful instead of having degrees in just about anything that ends in -Studies.

Were I an enterprising man, I'd put a food truck full of burgers just off-campus.

I mean, what are they even going to do if a student walks on campus with a burger in one hand and a shake in the other? Yell at him for eating food that is legal while he's out in the parking lot?

Long as he doesn't litter, I doubt there's dick they can do about it.

'Why were you kicked from this expensive institution you were paying for education from?'
'Eating a burger.'

Those wackadoos think mayonnaise is a gender, man. I wouldn't expect much out of them.

I will be deeply saddened by your suicide next week at 4:39 AM from an entire pistol magazine to the back of your skull.

Well how else are you going to protect Castle Greyskull from the alphabet boys?

Long as it's the ATF, Tannerite is the best breed of dog for home defense.

Can confirm, every military chopper i ever rode in was maintained by sheer freedom and force of will.

Who will no doubt be found with ten shotgun slugs through the back of his head in a tragic suicide.

Wasn't there a huge debacle about huawei stealing all the data that passes through their hardware, or something?

You'd think that would make any huawei hardware in stock immediately get sorta labelled as 'Don't Fucking Use if You Don't Want To Cause A Ragefit'.

They will never stop. They are dogmatically hellbent on forcing their primitive baebarian ways on the rest if the world by womb or by sword.

Look at them in an even broader view; Islamic empires constantly sought to conquer the west and force islam upon them.

They are now. Spain was once owned by them too, and it was a brutal campaign by the peoples there to kick them out.

Coexistence with those so opposed to everything that makes up your culture is impossible.

Also, they should never be ignorant to the host culture, cachalot. If you wish to live in Rome, you best speak as the romans do, and live as rhe romans do.

Frankly if the commander and chief said it's time to make the world's biggest parking lot on their graves I would lose no sleep.

I wouldn't care if Israel conquered all of the middle east if my country wasn't paying for their military for some reason.

I don't think any conflict requires 'international oversight' when it only concern a fistful of third world countries. If they want to waste blood and treasure fighting over an ancient hole in the ground, that's their business.

Norway is mostly propped up by oil money and having close ties with both the US and Russia. Even so, I hear it's a pretty good place to be.

I'm not attributing to them solely, mind you; Human history reads like a series of petty conflicts and conquests followed by the collapse of empires. The difference is that just about everyone else grew up.

The culture gap between, say, a San Francisco creature and a Texan oil rig worker is pretty tremendous.

Generally, cultures in the US are aligned along fairly broad regions, though there are exceptions.

The original idea was that states had full ability to run their own internal affairs, and the federal government was there to mediate between states and deal with foreign powers. States don't really have rights anymore, if you ask the federal government.

The shame about the downfall of American culture is that it's only making everyone unhappy. Before, if you wanted to live in a hippy trippy shithole, you could just move to california. IF you wanted to be left alone, you'd move to the midwest. But, they're being sorta forced into being the same, kicking and screaming the whole way.

Slaves weren't considered people, thus didn't have a person's rights.

I think all animals possess the instinct and right to seek their own self preservation. Which is to say you would not fault a goat for fleeing a wolf; Nor a ram for fighting one.

On the other hand, i might actually be inclined to agree that no one has a right to life, in so far as their existence needs must rely on the alienation of the labor of others.

Just because you wish to live does not make theft legal, in simple terms.

You cannot argue for the existence of a right to existence while trying to make claims to the efforts of others without a mutual exchange of goods or labor, or the currency which represents it.

I mean peasants often did just get sort of killed in the street for now bowing low enough.

Outside of the confines of a social hierarchy, a human being knows no master; They speak as they see fit, defend themselves as they see fit, and conduct themselves as they see fit. From that state, 'Natural Rights' spring forth. You needs must be free to protect yourself and speak your mind, else you are little more than a serf.

Where the others come from is an agreed upon selection of codified Legal Rights, as determined by the precise nature of the social contract that people form together.

When stripped of the presence of other human beings, there is no external force to forcibly silence you or strip from your means of self-defense short of violent death at the hands of a local predator. There is no beam of magic light that smites you when you say a naughty word; No fines for killing that bobcat with a boulder.

Everyday life now is very much removed from man's original state, you know.

We are by our very natures lonely, social creatures, yes. Socializing and society are not one in the same I would argue, however. I've never seen a gorilla tax another gorilla.

Plenty of people keep trying to escape society, at least. Not that I can fault them for it.

I'm happy to live in a place with a culture I enjoy, within the US.

Having an appreciation for the culture that spawned you and your own national heritage is apparently a very great deal of buzzwords.

A lot of ancient history only survived because of arabic and ottoman scholars who wandered around writing things down; Isn't that unusual for some of it to skew their way.

Well, there probably does deserve to be a distinction between your western 'Islam is the hot new trend since yoga and pumpkin spice' muslim and your middle eastern 'Everyone I've ever known has been muslim, as has my entire family tree since the origin of islam' muslim.

The entire world could look like a GTA game right now and I wouldn't support gun control.

Having legally purchased several firearms over the years, I can confirm that each and every time has required a background check.

I'mma have to side with Muten on this one; Kids only have such elaborate 'opinions' when parents cram them in there. Or, it never happened, and the lady just wants attention and internet good girl points.

The more someone learns about the world around them, the more they start realizing that Big Brother is not actually their friend.

Even without the full integration of women into infantry, they produce significant logistical issues in the military.

They have much higher sanitation requirements based on regulations than men do.

Just about every long-time infantryman I served with had slipped discs and ruined feet already, and the male physiology is built to be more rugged than female physiology. It all just seems like an unnecessary burden and cost just to virtue signal and temporarily please some screeching banshees who never wanted to do it themselves anyway.

Males cannot vote without registering for selective service, which is the Draft.

If you aren't willing to defend the republic, why should you have a say in it's course?

The better question is: Who cares for either of those chapters?

Black Templar is best chapter.

Honestly, at this point, I'd be fine with the removal of universal suffrage.

I'm not as gung-ho about the property requirement, but I do believe that civil service of some kind should probably be needed.

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