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Who else finds the outwards leg bend thing women have sexy

@tea_in_space Because plants is where I draw the โ€œshit givingโ€ line

But seriously, who else finds that weird outward bend thing women have in the forelegs cute as fuck?

@Spooky Melon Do I have to get an actual fucking picture

You know that thing women have where the backs of their forelegs bend outwards and their feet bend onwards

What if I described it as like

Their knees pointing inwards

Women bending their knees inwards is cute

If women were as reasonable as men theyโ€™d have more reverse traps by now

So we can progress towards the mouse utopian end point


Anyway thatโ€™s what I mean

When women bend their legs inwards

And itโ€™s fucking hot

Even if theyโ€™re hips arenโ€™t that much it still looks good

So this must be why leg-binding is a thing



You know whatโ€™s fun?

Getting into an argument with crazed equalists before telling them youโ€™re autistic and were part of a minority the whole time, and then just watching them turn heel and start sucking up to you

Because their logic is shit

โ€œDonald Trump and Ben Shapiro are white nationalistsโ€

I am a human

@wacka Yes. Iโ€™m not even American but we get all your news and the answer is yes.

@money_sign_ Whatโ€™s wrong wit fairness

@money_sign_ **and thatโ€™s a good thing**

He literally cannot say anything that will stop people from calling him racist.

Itโ€™s fucking lodged in their brains

Which does have its own problems some times <:transdank:462401354745249792>

Like heavy nationalism can provoke international conflict

He seems to be good at preventing that tho

Isnโ€™t there a thing on video where an unarmed guy gets shot in his car

Please excuse mister centrist shiva over here

When you put it like that it seems reasonable

I canโ€™t watch the fuckin video

Because itโ€™s been stripped from YouTube

Damn, time to get immersed in some more nazi right wing extremist content

Americans should fight one another

It means they canโ€™t focus on world policing

and the rest of us can get on with our fuckin business

@Spooky Melon *gets in choke hold* I need a supervisor

*looks over at cash register guy* i need a supervisor

Look mate, if we canโ€™t deal with our own fuckin problems then we donโ€™t deserve to be British in the first place

No American world police, thatโ€™s what royally fucked up half the Middle East

Well it was shit when we did it too

Youโ€™re not an empire

Meanwhile the American flag quietly burns in the Middle Eastern background

Jesus was just a nice dude who couldnโ€™t understand the human raceโ€™s ability to fuck up every known task

@BabaBooey The irritating thing is that youโ€™re not wrong, but the USSR still had shit for freedom so if anything they did it on accident

โ€œThe USSR had shit for freedomโ€

You gonna explain why Iโ€™m a communist or did you just misunderstand basic english

Whoโ€™s the mental retard

Iโ€™m already triggered mate

Shit for freedom means there was no funking freedom


STOP IGNORING ME <:peperage:588019564575457311>

<:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> <:pepegun:588019479401726001>

SJWs arenโ€™t liberals, theyโ€™re authoritarians. Change me moind.

The inevitable evolutionary end-point of all human beings

Because as a great man once said

Degeneracy is like a spice

You canโ€™t have too much of it

But you donโ€™t want none of it

You know who it was that said that tho

Whoโ€™s the white nationalist guy? Like the actual white nationalist guy that was on CNN

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