
Discord ID: 541021910213984266

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It depends on my mood really

That also depends on my mood.

So I will be reasonable and not ask you to memorize my gender pronouns

I am feeling male right now.

I learned in school, that place where people go to get educated that a person's gender is a completely fabricated societal identifier which keeps us all oppressed and divided, and put into catagories enforcing separate roles and unequal pay. You should want this concept abolished and just accept that gender doesn't exist, you nazis.

You're a neo-national socialist.

You speak of this social construct of race as if it's a real thing.

White is merely a ruling class.

An oppressor.

Whites are colonizers.

I can't handle all of this neo-nazi Richard Spencer-tier racism

I wish I could say the same about you Jack Frost but I fear you are being serious.

Follow your leader nazi, shoot yourself and end it. We destroyed the reich.

I bet you went to Unite the Right and harassed my comrades, and ran that one person over with the car.

Nobody's arguing otherwise

That's nazi-speak.

You saw my PM with chaseopenl, you know I'm completely serious.

You guys are right-wing nazis.

Of course, a Drumpf fanboy.

No Trump! No KKK! No Fascist USA!

Of course you use a nazi meme

Molyneux is a nazi

He most certainly is, lately he's gone white nationalist.

I may overuse the term, but Stefan Molyneux is legitimately a nazi.

Jack Frost Get woke, read The Conquest of Bread.

What a right-wing nazi.

Capitalism, the economic system of the oppressor.

I am human, race is a social construct

We all bleed red.

Red is the way, embrace it.

If you must be a fascist, at least be a red fascist guys.

chaseopenl You are an oppressive land-stealing colonizer.

RedNation is my close personal friend, he is against fat shaming.

Jack Frost "I'm not white" That's the spirit.

chaseopenl Yes you are, you are an oppressive land-grabbing colonizer.

Look at the state of Israel, an entire nation of oppressive land-grabbing white colonizers.

Don't lie to me land grabber.

You said the N word, RACIST!


Racist land-grabbers need the reeducation camp.

Says the racist grabber of land from indiginous palestinians.

I like that person.

Ilhan Omar is the change we need.

lol Yeah, she calls out AIPAC for what it is by stating that Amerikkka bows to the dollar.

The perils of capitalism.

In a proper socialist country they would not have the support of Amerikkkan politicians.

Palestine can be restored.

I once saw an animated map of all of the land Israel grabbed from the Palestinian people, it was horrible.

Then they get all mad whenever Gaza launches a missile, after they bulldoze Palestinian homes.

It reminds me of what the colonizers did to the native Americans long ago.

That makes me almost want to cry when I see it.

Israelis are total nazis.

Wouldn't surprise me if they were Germans.

Couldn't agree more comrade.

Wonder where the nazis went, they must have fleed like they did during WWII.

Yeah, Ashkenazi Germany.

# german should be renamed to # gerpeople

@fauve Because it is full of fascists!


Israel is an apartheid state full of rich white oppressors.

Ilhan Omar is based. #ImWithHer

I thought this was leftypol not nazipol

You are not wrong about the NSDAP no longer existing, however nazism still exists and is alive and well.

Nazism is not a German-only phenomenon.

America actually has a vast history of nazism.

You are just apologizing for nazism by pretending it no longer exists.

America literally gives all it's money to Israel, which is actually an unquestioned nazi nation in the middle east

You have lying-to-me syndrome.

I'll have you know that I think you're full of shit

Nice armchair psychology Sigmund Fraud.

No thanks, super male vitality is sexism in a can.

I trust the pharma industry, they produce vaccines which have prevented me from getting the flu

Jews are just something that people pretend aren't white.

They are land-grabbing oppressive colonizers like any other white people.

Of course jews are going to make untrue claims of their lack of whiteness, but they behave just like Hitler.

Israel is the most fascist state on the entire planet.

and you're telling me they're not white?

Was Hitler non-white?

Was Hitler a zionist?

Is Richard Spencer a zionist?

Eamonmcb Are you really being a Hitler-apologist?!

Why have you come to leftypol?

I am already part of the BDS movement.

The entirety of anti-capitalism is part of the BDS movement.

KnowMoreNews is just a white supremacist broadcast though, white false opposition.

More like the Greater Europe plan

I know all about Europeans moving to Palestine and calling it Israel.

Why do you think I am a member of the BDS movement?

I am fighting white supremacy

Just look at their prime minister, a fucking white guy

You think Benjamin Netanyahu isn't a white supremacist? Look at him.

You can see he's a colonizer, he's got the look of the colonizer, he colonizes, and is committing genocide on the Palestinian people.

The Rothschild family are your fellow colonizers

Be honest, are you or are you not a white nationalist?

You are just a white guy using the title jew to attempt to differentiate yourself from nazis, but it isn't working.

The jewish state is just a front for a nazi state.

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