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2019-02-10 22:27:19 UTC [FreedomφClub #memes]  

he did one of Jones vs Shitpiro

2019-02-10 22:27:27 UTC [FreedomφClub #memes]  

this is great

2019-02-11 02:43:30 UTC [FreedomφClub #nsfw]  

I was on board until I saw fem dom

Lol Arabic in Michigan

The new caliphate rises

Also I can believe Vietnamese in Texas . We have a shot load of viets and chinks

Lots of Asian restaurants

2019-02-11 08:52:28 UTC [FreedomφClub #nsfw]  

id still touch her legs

we at war with Iran yet?

someone needs to blow up these pipelines

see, that's the thing tho.

that doesn't work

because yeah

one person's pollution pales in comparison to all the shit massive oil and gas companies do .

the problem isn;t *just* all the consumers creating demand, the problem is also *the comapnies that artifcially create that demand i nthe first place*

even if you had over half the population in US stop buying plastic products cold turkey, it's not like giant oil companies are gonna disappear overnight. they'd just find new ways to try and make our saociety as dependant upon them as possible


a man that does that much DMT must have soft spot for nature

tfw not forest bathing with alex jones

2019-02-13 05:09:51 UTC [FreedomφClub #memes]  


every tax season is open season for pigs

preying on peopel with their refunds

Those are some sore ass losers


2019-03-02 01:01:13 UTC [FreedomφClub #aesthetics]

2019-03-02 01:01:16 UTC [FreedomφClub #aesthetics]

2019-03-02 01:01:18 UTC [FreedomφClub #aesthetics]

2019-03-02 01:01:18 UTC [FreedomφClub #aesthetics]

2019-03-02 01:01:20 UTC [FreedomφClub #aesthetics]

2019-03-02 01:01:21 UTC [FreedomφClub #aesthetics]

2019-03-02 01:01:22 UTC [FreedomφClub #aesthetics]

2019-03-02 01:01:22 UTC [FreedomφClub #aesthetics]

Why tho

How many kids would you have to slide out to get 10k

Me too

I mean I'd do it anyways

For citezenship

Gimme dat fast impregnation citezenship pass

Laure just help me find some polish thots willing to make a deal

Oh damn

Maybe I'll try Germany, tell me I'm Bosnian

Americanized Bosnian

Merkel will let me in if I'm moooslim

maybe I'll try Ireland

I wonder if I can get citezwnship there thru my penis

Also Jesus fuck

Why take it out on the animals

we're miners on the mooon

we carry a harpoon

but there ain't no resources or oxygen so we'll probably die horribly painful deaths while we sing this minin' tuuuune

2019-03-08 02:39:44 UTC [FreedomφClub #memes]

dunno where cooking stuff would go, but i assume it falls under 'hobby'

me too

I want his kitchen

it's so aesthetic

an d old timey

I imagine it's what @ᚱᛟᛟᛏ 's kitchen looks like

the stew or mushroom ketchup

maybe i sohudl get a wooden stove

and a funny hat

and start makin soem of dese

he has awebsite

and they sell hats

I'm gonna be a british colonial

I'll be the first Redcoat tourist in over 200 years



also Root, I knew you;d love this channel

he sells a period chamber pot on his website

I'm dying

one man's campaign against Tijuanan shit in the water


I...I don't know

I guess it's a holdover from the natives

root is wolverine

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