Rectum Ranger

Discord ID: 449977785054789632

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but optics is how you win the propoganda war

well he jokes about it i should say

but his show is obviously not optically good for the america first movement

him saying 'oh thats just a gamer moment' then laughing it off can obviously be called as a racist dogwhistle by the left

'we dont really believe that'

thats what nick says all the time for shit that isnt optically sound

im trying to help the movement

theres a reason why nick has been banned off platforms

he hasnt been optically correct

yeah but con inc isnt america first

idk i just think the fact that nick joking about optics has pushed him to alt tech sites like dlive

which hurts the popularity of the movement

although it is gaining popularlity slowly

wasnt catboi banned off dlive though?

i wouldnt be surprised if nick is soon

if he isnt lying about dlive saving his replays

basically how you portray yourself

personal relations

focusing on yourself is fruitless

it just brings on the situation you dont want

im not even christian lol

but nicks america first movement

traditional family first

is what is most important

this new left is destroying america

ok well then you dont fit in the ethnostate

get out ronald

you tell me

nah tell me nigger

nah i really want to know why ronald is here

>not even white

nick argues for ethnoneighborhoods

you want to live in ghetto?

nopn sequitar

you only live in an ethnoneighborhood under nicks ideals

cant argue against it

cant wait to get banned from this server and vaushes

ill take it as a badge of honor

right and i want traditional family vaules

just because i dont believe in christ i dont believe in family values?

alright so you dont want any allies?

enjoy the movement

no wonder you guys are all doomers

lol im not

but you guys dont accept anyone that isnt chirstian

if you feel like people in the movement aernt 100% in agreement with you the movement will never grow

of course he did

so why are you in this group lol

nick f will die out in 4 years

no i dont have a better idea who to follow but talking to you follower of nicks is almost like talking to vaushes followers

except i didnt get banned as fast lol

i am trad

i am nationalist

and im white

but because im not christian

i got attacked

according to leftists i am the white devil

english german and american for atleast 5 generations

i dont want to get into a religious argument

im trying to argue for a larger america first movement

this is why i was arguing for optics

i got attacked instantly for not being christian

while being for most of your values

if im not for all of your values is that not good enough?

let me ask you guys this

when is the last time you guys sinned?

seems like ur not putting orth ur faith in faith

yes you can do that without christ

i am imperfect

i recognize that

but just because i dont believe in christ im unworthy?

alright ill just leave then lol

atleast you didnt ban me lol

i have more respect for you than vaush or destiny

have a good day fellas

aight cya

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