
Discord ID: 485267071093964801

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Because the world is ruled by the Jews right?

Fully automated luxury space communism

The tsar deserved it

Communism is progress

Very reputable

You should not make money by not working a single day of your life

And just rely off your private property

Fuck em

Fuck idpollers

The ruling class remains the ruling class

You are an idpoller

A nazi idpoller in a war with the sjw idpollers

Identity politics distract the working class and serve is a way for middle class academics to enrich themselves and preserve the status quo will pretending to be revolutionary.

Good goy


If this is the case, then the harder you work, the more you should be rewarded

This is not the case

The harder you work, the more your boss is rewarded

What is defined as a completely useless task?

Such as what?

Building what no one needs?

Construction is an infinite labour

Automation will cause this to be a lawn mower

>communism kills a quarillion every year when it was!!

Not everyone is a fucking American you dolt

They're in the southern prisons

Why waste tax money on prisons that give you a cushy life?

Why not make the prisoners useful

And make them work?

This is what gulags were

The proletariat is different from the slave

The slave is sold once, and for all. The proletariat has to sell himself daily

Fuck gender studies

Why is it even a course

The slave is sold once and for all, the proletarian has to sell himself by the day and by the hour. The slave is the property of one master and for that very reason has a guaranteed subsistence, however wretched it may be

The proletarian is, so to speak, the slave of the entire bourgeois class, not of one master, and therefore has no guaranteed subsistence, since nobody buys his labour if he does not need it.

The slave is accounted a thing and not a member of civil society. The proletarian is recognised as a person, as a member of civil society. The slave may, therefore, have a better subsistence than the proletarian but the latter stands at a higher stage of development.

The slave frees himself by becoming a proletarian, abolishing from the totality of property relationships only the relationship of slavery. The proletarian can free himself only by abolishing property in general.

I have some edgy memes for you too

Ha we already did that but with guns in WW2

Sure did

Made half of Germany Socialist

If you're fine being exploited for your labour then That's fine

Just know that others aren't classcucks

A person living under a socio-economic system and who doesn't realize their subservient position in that system and even will actively defend it, e.g. a slave in the slave societies, a peasant in feudal societies, a wage-slave in a capitalist society. (synonymous to class traitor)

Yeah a factory worker can really get by on his own

It's not like a collective group

Same with teachers

Or really any type of proletariat tbh

>You lazy socialist! You want free money for not working a day in your life
>the bourgeoisie

sjws and nazis fight for essentially the same thing

Planning to shoot up your school, edgyboy

Classic American

Most of what are Jewish?

The shooters?

It's not like Eric and Dylan had swastikas in their journals....

Wow so many of them

A total of five

Yet how many school shooters are there again?

That's a spook

I want to get a nazis opinion on stirner

What do you think of his work?

Uh huh

Fuck the capitalist state

Fuck the ruling classes

Filthy Americans

Maybe in feudal times

Fuck Hillary too

That's porky

Aka the bourgeoisie

Lemme guess, he's Jewish?

Give me five mins @Adolf Hitler

Sent the result to you edgyboy

I'm so Jewish

Uh huh

Google image search it @Adolf Hitler


Deny it all you want mate

Surprised you didn't get angry at my Celtic heritage

Hitler hated celts

The IRA kicked the shit out of the Brits

Tell her how the IRA made you run like hell away

From the green and lovely lanes of killashandra

Are you part Irish?

What the fuck are you on about

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