
Discord ID: 82267527488471040

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Even the most basic business person will use losses to offset income tax

You dont even need a cpa

Turbotax and chill

Kinda limp wristed shooting there

ypg has basically no training or standards

Most likely anyone who stuck around long enough to see real combat got yeeted by an IED

Yeah ypg are commies

Some us veterans did volunteer with ypg and some died there

Theyโ€™d do it if they had numbers

Would be very in theme with German history

The hard part or being an effective fighter is waiting

Donโ€™t get your ass shot off for no reason

Mostly in USA itโ€™s for no reason

American contingency has ramped up in my area very strongly

They are running range training and comms multiple days a week all over the state

Added bonus they seek to legitimize themselves with local sheriff and pd

I pitty the fool that is antifa in Georgia

Yeah amcon comms have great intel here

Forewarnings about every single protest

And donโ€™t walk into an ambush

Amcon is american contingency, google it check out their site

Thereโ€™s local groups formed around it all over

lol that tacticool guy has double nvg and no IR laser on rifle


Still looks like a fag


funny how they black out the logo on the hat but not the one of a kind tattoo sleeves

losing 35+ tanks sounds about right for fighting an away game in mountains

Someone somewhere will likely die

If you die voting thatโ€™s probably valhalla

Iโ€™m in a possible swing state so rip me


Heater will be on me

2020-09-28 23:27:33 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #general]  

Please direct all furries to the gas chamber

<:atlast:758774926869004348> <:atlast:758774926869004348> <:atlast:758774926869004348> <:atlast:758774926869004348> <:atlast:758774926869004348>

Apparently Microsoft is also down?

Of course 911 runs on fucking windows vms


What are the odds of a windows vm bluescreening? Very very high

Someone just had to launch minesweeper on there

If you donโ€™t know your local pds direct non emergency number now would be a good time to store that as a contact

Azure cloud outage most likely... probably technical issue

Azure is used to service a lot of legacy systems (old windows machines) that are rife with issues, and the platform itself is pretty jank

Have done the same and outages are unavoidable

Unless itโ€™s a well engineered system with staging and production which I doubt

Purely database backed apps can usually be restored cause snapshots actually work

And capture the entire state

Well cloud can be ok if you do it right but you can also do it horribly wrong and then youโ€™re doomed

Buy more amazon stock imo

I am a software engineer making on prem private clouds

It has its own issues tbh

But hey, air gaps!

Amazon will probably exist for thousands of years just on inertia

Azure caters to jacked up legacy IT stuff that is too complex to be worth converting to modern design

Amazon will buy the USA and disband federal government

The lucky ones

Hopefully I retire before I have to work at amazon

2020-09-29 02:15:50 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #general]  

Lines up with azer attack

2020-09-29 02:16:21 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #general]  

Israel is flying cargo directly into azer pocket

2020-09-29 02:17:19 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #general]  

Probably canโ€™t turn off their transponders for everything they want to hide

Azer should attack on all fronts or none at all

Your and youโ€™re are spelling

Your dog is gay, youโ€™re a gay dog owner

spoke positively of project veritas

aka is literally hitler

2020-09-29 15:15:54 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #general]  

begone sex witch!

that hillary memo is so wtf I can't even comprehend it right now

kinda feels like chimp season is winding down

they can't handle the cold weather

they don't work unless they get the numbers needed to riot and loot targets and such

otherwise it's a bunch of gay trash can fires like last week

oh no the UN is mad oh my god oh no

Ugh god that debate was amazing



Wallace is a jew just fyi

Would if we could, bitch

One purge and problems solvederinos

I loved when they tried to call critical race theory โ€œracial sensitivity trainingโ€

ya the most positive things I've seen from liberals amount to, "biden did not die IRL on stage"

please, fight the police

grab their guns

make sure there's video

Oh god my 300 twitter followers who interact with .001% of my posts

My only problem with gab and parler is I donโ€™t just want a feed of right leaning political news. I like osint stuff and funny stuff too.

I wouldnโ€™t mind getting rid of virtually everything I own if I could get cash for it

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