
Discord ID: 279152722522144769

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adopted wait

how can you do that

like can communists adopt capitalism?

i'm confused sorry

but uh for the quesiton above

my family lost their house in 08 so i don't like the economy

its better now i think because i'm not in an apartment


yeah its better now

yeah idk seems like everyone told my parents to buy stuff

we got a dinalli

and a big tv when they were expensive

and then boom

parents got divorced

and 08 happened

its better now

i live away from the city

i live near country now

i can walk to a cow and pet it i'm so close to farms

its pretty cool

but i'm getting off topic


I was on black pigeon speaks and there was a reccomended

but again

i'm really new to this

i only watched two vids

like i only got black pigeon speaks as a reccomendation

from a budy

i have only listened to this one


with hitler in shorts and a gold cchain

somehting about its okay to be something

I can

he's good at rapping thats all i know

something about girls having sex at a young age

Uh something about the media making people want to be sluts

he says listen up white girls and boys

and jew propaganda

which i'm still learning about

i know the memes

but thats it

like pepe

like this one


with a barretta


I like fit

i've been on fit

but they seem pretty gay /fit/izens i mean

i laughed super hard when trump got elected with my brother

i was like lol the libs

got triggered epic style

oh okay

i found this

he literally looks skinny fat

weak and fat

soyboy lmao

i like vegan gains though

my hearts bad

uh vegan gains

he's pretty cool

he made a vid against sjws

and it was super funny

uh lemme see

pewdie pie can be funny

and h3h3

and idubbbztv

and filthy frank

I live right on the border between kansas and missouri

but like not that close

just its literally a 3 hour walk to the border

between the two states



this one?

okay but its really long

god this is long


lol thats what alex jones doesn't like


no no

i'm doing it

but it was somewhere in there

its just loooong


Who is Thatcher

wait i thought the bottom was libertarian

why am i authoritarian right? I like Gary johnson


what no

i don't like sjws

i'm not a normie

sjws are normies

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