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2017-03-01 00:44:17 UTC

found it

2017-03-01 00:45:49 UTC


2017-03-01 00:46:03 UTC

so that does seem a little vague, I don't know if it was some 1920s dietary theory

2017-03-01 00:46:17 UTC

but the numbers will tell me what I need to know, as the blood tests haven't changed that much

2017-03-01 00:48:43 UTC

Was it the same study or did you have a different version?

2017-03-01 00:51:28 UTC

it was the same

2017-03-01 00:51:45 UTC

so skimming this study, it doesn't include what I need to comment on the blood acidity of either man

2017-03-01 00:52:00 UTC

I'm not sure what the acidity they are referring to was

2017-03-01 00:53:30 UTC

actually I am going to deep read this since I haven't read this since I was an undergrad and I know a lot more now

2017-03-01 00:53:34 UTC

interesting that they boil their meat instead of frying

2017-03-01 00:53:45 UTC

do eskimos have to cook with whale oil?

2017-03-01 00:54:19 UTC

like how do they even create fire?

2017-03-01 00:54:20 UTC

I found that interesting too, since the charts seemed to show they were consuming high quantities of fat

2017-03-01 00:54:30 UTC

I know all this clinical calorimetry stuff but I don't know how they actually cook the food lol

2017-03-01 00:54:53 UTC

Maybe it was too hard to measure with oil

2017-03-01 00:55:04 UTC

One of them requested frozen meat

2017-03-01 00:55:16 UTC


2017-03-01 00:55:17 UTC


2017-03-01 00:55:18 UTC

raw paleo

2017-03-01 00:56:08 UTC

It's some real cro-mags shit

2017-03-01 00:56:17 UTC

Except the cro-mags were krishnas

2017-03-01 00:56:29 UTC


2017-03-01 00:56:39 UTC

I like the part where Stefansson had a craving for sheep brain

2017-03-01 00:56:50 UTC

imagine telling someone "man I'd kill for a bowl of sheep brain"

2017-03-01 00:56:54 UTC

paleo raw foodism would be interesting to see

2017-03-01 00:57:06 UTC

"sheep brain? what the fuck? how do you even cook it?" "why would you cook it?"

2017-03-01 00:58:12 UTC

I don't think I've ever eaten brains

2017-03-01 00:58:25 UTC

Probably would be a bit worried about prions

2017-03-01 00:58:26 UTC

one issue I have with this diet applied to modern times is that it can be difficult to find untampered meat

2017-03-01 00:59:04 UTC

neglecting how poorly the animal may be raised/fed and what hormones and other things it could've been exposed to, it's very common to inject meat with different brines and such

2017-03-01 00:59:21 UTC

so you could eat a diet of all unsalted meat and get an assload of salt you never knew about

2017-03-01 00:59:49 UTC

this is all more hardcore than my keto diets too, I eat a lot of vegetables with mine

2017-03-01 01:00:59 UTC

Which meats get injected with brines?

2017-03-01 01:01:04 UTC

chicken often

2017-03-01 01:01:07 UTC

I know about added nitrates in pork curing and stuff

2017-03-01 01:01:17 UTC

or even just pork production, not even curing

2017-03-01 01:01:20 UTC

they tend to put food coloring in red meat

2017-03-01 01:01:22 UTC

Steaks exposed to meat so they don't look dark

2017-03-01 01:01:24 UTC


2017-03-01 01:01:25 UTC

to gas rather

2017-03-01 01:01:29 UTC

meat exposed to meat

2017-03-01 01:01:32 UTC


2017-03-01 01:01:33 UTC


2017-03-01 01:02:00 UTC

You can see the steaks that haven't gotten so mcuh of it

2017-03-01 01:02:09 UTC

they're the ones people won't buy

2017-03-01 01:02:10 UTC

I don't really eat beef

2017-03-01 01:02:14 UTC


2017-03-01 01:02:19 UTC

fair enough

2017-03-01 01:02:43 UTC

I read a review a while ago that looked at whether or not meat was associated with cancer risk, and it broke it down into many categories

2017-03-01 01:02:52 UTC

in the end, smoked, cured and beef were the only that showed an increased risk

2017-03-01 01:03:22 UTC

with the pollution in the oceans I hardly trust fish, and I've always intrinsically mistrusted pork, so that leaves me with a diet of mostly chicken and vegetables

2017-03-01 01:03:38 UTC

I am mad as fuck that dalits managed to ruin the entire ocean

2017-03-01 01:03:58 UTC

I think educated people helped a lot

2017-03-01 01:04:16 UTC

ok, I found something to comment on re: acid-base

2017-03-01 01:04:46 UTC

Support population growth, protest nuclear power plants so much they don't get upgarded, nek minnit fukushima

2017-03-01 01:04:50 UTC

ok cool

2017-03-01 01:05:07 UTC

so a lot of people make a lot of big talk about eating an alkaline diet or whatever, but in medicine we know that your lungs and kidneys work in unison to maintain your blood at the right pH

2017-03-01 01:05:50 UTC

whatever they did to determine the meat was acidic must have been some kind of physical chemistry thing I am not familiar with, but when they discuss the renal function they explain that they had much more acidic urine on their diet

2017-03-01 01:06:16 UTC

in other words unless a person has kidney disease, you should expect that on an acidic diet they would just piss the acid out, as that is one of the functions of kidneys

2017-03-01 01:08:24 UTC

I feel like I need to research this acid-base dieting stuff from the mouths of the actual authors in the field

2017-03-01 01:08:39 UTC

since the people who come tell me about it don't really know how acid base homeostasis works

2017-03-01 01:08:43 UTC

Yeah, I'm a bit confused by it

2017-03-01 01:09:08 UTC

I figure there's two possibilities, the authors don't know how it works either and it's all crap, or maybe the authors know something I don't and it's all more subtle

2017-03-01 01:09:24 UTC

I'm not that familiar with bodily processes but I always assumed that homeostasis would account for it

2017-03-01 01:09:42 UTC

The body adapting other processes to adjust the pH

2017-03-01 01:09:52 UTC

Same as any of those regulatory loops

2017-03-01 01:10:06 UTC

Akin to thermoregulation but with different processes

2017-03-01 01:10:37 UTC

They sell overpriced alkaline water in the grocery store

2017-03-01 01:10:52 UTC


2017-03-01 01:11:10 UTC

Like $4 for 1.5L

2017-03-01 01:11:17 UTC

well yeah, that's another thing - let's say the real alkaline diet people know something, not only do their followers obviously not, but neither do the people selling products

2017-03-01 01:11:31 UTC

I can just dump some NaOH in a bottle of tap water for like 1 cent

2017-03-01 01:12:19 UTC

hot salty water is the true ambrosia

2017-03-01 01:13:35 UTC

Most of these people, like I implied earlier, are total fad diet junkies

2017-03-01 01:13:37 UTC

just as trivia, they used stupidly sensitive urine glucose tests

2017-03-01 01:13:56 UTC

The researchers often kooks too

2017-03-01 01:13:58 UTC

But not always

2017-03-01 01:14:08 UTC


2017-03-01 01:14:15 UTC

when it said there was glucose in the urine here, I looked at the numbers. I had to convert units but it's something that wouldn't even show up on the test at a doctor's office

2017-03-01 01:15:05 UTC

but in case you saw that and thought "oh, they're pissing sugar, they had diabetes," it was way below diabetic levels

2017-03-01 01:16:19 UTC

overall this is 10/10 data quality for the 1920s

2017-03-01 01:16:28 UTC

They had to restrict how medicare subsidizes thyroid function tests here because so many gullible people were demanding endless tests for things they don't really understand

2017-03-01 01:17:05 UTC

Have you run into that autoimmune self-diagnosis syndrome?

2017-03-01 01:17:20 UTC

hypochondria, or everyone thinking they have hashimoto's disease?

2017-03-01 01:17:25 UTC

The latter

2017-03-01 01:17:39 UTC

I haven't done much clinic work, mostly inpatient. I'm sure I will

2017-03-01 01:17:43 UTC

muh thyroid

2017-03-01 01:17:46 UTC

muh fibromyalgia

2017-03-01 01:17:49 UTC

Hypochondria is too pejorative a term at this stage

2017-03-01 01:18:08 UTC

It refers to making shit up instead of health anxiety

2017-03-01 01:18:19 UTC

I go out of my way to use antiquated 1950s medical lingo

2017-03-01 01:18:28 UTC

especially for psych stuff

2017-03-01 01:18:31 UTC

Because it's pejorative? ๐Ÿ˜›

2017-03-01 01:18:35 UTC


2017-03-01 01:18:43 UTC

and when presenting patients I never omit their race

2017-03-01 01:19:04 UTC

Health anxiety tends to be experienced through strange unassailable psychosomatic phenomena whereas making shit up is different

2017-03-01 01:19:13 UTC

Or so I noticed in a good friend of mine

2017-03-01 01:20:11 UTC

He is extremely truthful but had weird aches and pains in his abdomen and he got worked up and thought he was gonna die. Went to a bunch of doctors but they couldn't find anything

2017-03-01 01:20:52 UTC

Not at all the kind of dude to make stuff up, but something was wrong that couldn't be identified and may not have been there in a physical sense

2017-03-01 01:21:01 UTC

Race is important

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